Chapter Twenty-one

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A/N: This chapter has one trigger warning in the manner that... Naruto's condition is discussed briefly.

Other than that, you're welcome. ;P You'll understand why I say that when you get to the part.

(Pic is a more accurate representation of what my human Kurama looks like. Fiercely beautiful and yet masculine. Exactly like Orochimaru, though I find Orochimaru to be a bit more masculine. You'll see what I mean when I share the very realistic artwork of him. A wonderful mix. Artist's watermark on the picture. And obviously, his hair would be red, skin the same shade as Naruto's. I wish I could do two pic at once on this thing. I'd put in Genma's.)



Kurama stared over Kirigakure from the top of a hill. He sighed, smoothing his hands through his hair, his expression grim and filled with worry.

"Why do you look so worried about this?" Kakashi looked at the redhead. "I thought you said once the mind control is gone Isobu would be easy to talk to?"

Shaking his head Kurama frowned. "That's not what I'm worried about. Naruto...contacted me... and I'm worried."

Kakashi stiffened and looked at Kurama head-on. "You're telling me this NOW? What's happened?"

"He didn't sound right... He sounded like he was saying goodbye." Kurama frowned, gripping his hair. "Something must've happened."

"Saying...goodbye? Like... he's...running away from Konoha?" Kakashi swallowed painfully, not wanting to think of the alternative.

Kurama smiled weakly. "No..."

A lungful of air rushed from Kakashi and he pressed a hand to his head, steadying himself. "We need to go back... NOW." He turned, making to run off but Kurama grabbed him. He scowled, looking at the redhead.

"Even if we leave now... It'll take days to get back to Konoha and he'll already be dead if he..." Kurama looked down, his hand sliding from Kakashi's arm. "Either way we'll be too late..."

"THEN CONTACT HIM!" Kakashi roared, getting Kurama's face. "Make sure he's fucking ALIVE!"

Kurama blinked, backing up. "I have been! For the past four and a half hours! There's nothing..."

Kakashi gripped Kurama's upper arms, giving him one good shake. "What the fuck does that mean!?"

Kurama's head bobbled slightly and he looked up at Kakashi, his voice quiet and sad. "That he's either...dead...or heavily sedated..."

"You better hope he's alive," Kakashi growled, shoving Kurama from him.

"....are you...BLAMING me?!" Kurama stared in horror at Kakashi.

"I should've never agreed to this mission!" Kakashi gripped his hands into fists wanting to punch something. "I fucking knew better..."

Kurama stood there. "When Obito gets here... go the fuck back to Konoha with him." Kurama moved to sit on a boulder, away from Kakashi.

Kakashi whirled on him. "If YOU hadn't added on Kirigakure to our mission we'd be home already! I'd be with Naruto and he'd be ALIVE!"

Closing red eyes Kurama took a slow, calming breath. "Kakashi, if you know what's best for you... shut the fuck up."

"Shut the fuck up? I should shut the fuck up!? YOU-.." Kakashi blinked as a spiral warped in front of Kurama and out popped Obito.

Obito looked between them and shifted. " you both know?"

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