Chapter Thirty-three

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A/N: Uhhh for some reason this chapter was difficult to write? Not sure why. I think maybe the slow bits are starting to become difficult to write. Then again, I seem to always make you guys happy, even when I greatly doubt my writing or my chapter. So who knows!? Haha

Then again, in the middle of writing this chapter, I got my first troll? Which I've been telling myself means I must be doing something right. Cause, someone who dislikes my story doesn't NEED to tell me what they find wrong with it. They can simply leave and not say a word. Saying something implies they want to inflict some kind of damage. Aka, a troll. AND WHILE I FEEL HAPPY ABOUT GETTING MY FIRST TROLL CAUSE IT DOES INDEED MEAN I MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT! The very unhealthy side of my brain that has mass amounts of self-loathing...that side does not have the confidence or mindset of, "haters mean I'm doing something right". Erm, but do go looking for the comment. I deleted it and it was also on Ao3. Not because of my tender feelings. But I'd rather not have any negativity bleeding in the comments. You're all so bright, caring, and wonderful. I'd hate for anything to tarnish all your kind words.

With that said... Enjoy this chapter. <3 I love all my readers. No matter how many of you there are. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for reading my story and sticking with me through this journey.

(I still don't own any of the art. Loved this. Sharing it. No idea who the artist is.)



Naruto and Kurama walked down the several floors, the blond with his arm around Kurama's waist cause he's short, and the redhead with his arm draped over Naruto. They were laughing and talking quietly with each other, their free hands gesturing wildly. They were talking about everything they'd just done and were actually trying to come up with some names for some of the double-team moves they did. Especially the one with Gato.

"What the FUCK?" Both demon hybrids whipped towards the voice, growling threateningly until they saw Kakashi standing in the foyer with his arms stretched out from his question. Sakura was off to the side puking her guts up and Sasuke looked extremely pale and like he might just give in and join Sakura's pukefest. Zabuza and Haku approached their favorite new killers and peered around them at their team. They had heard noises and loud voices, so they went to make sure everything was okay. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Kakashi got even more emphatic, gesturing at the two people they were readying to fight again.

"Uhhh surprise?" Kurama shrugged.

"You're welcome!" Naruto beamed proudly up at his big brother and sensei.

Kakashi blanched, a sweatdrop sliding down the side of his head as he twitched, his flak jacket falling off his shoulder some.

"I think you broke the Copynin." Zabuza chuckled, stepping up next to Kurama.

"I would have to agree." Haku stepped up next to Naruto, smiling sweetly. "You should be proud. Your little genin did half of this. Kitsune did the other half." Sakura's renewed puking could be heard with a horrified moan.

Sasuke paled further and stumbled back a step. He's been abusing a kid who could do...all this? He fell on his ass, right into a puddle of guts and blood. He twitched, lifting a bloody hand in front of his eyes, they widened and he fainted.

"Uhhh the dark haired one just passed out." Zabuza pointed to the kid. "He seemed tougher than that." Haku snickered.

"SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED. RIGHT. NOW." Kakashi narrowed his eye, he was losing his fucking cool! His little brother just massacred an entire gang of thugs and their leader with the guy he just passionately kissed the other day. EVERYTHING WAS NOT OKAY! He thought the bijū fight that Kurama and Naruto had had on the mountain had been a fluke on Naruto's part. That the kid had no real grasp or understanding of how to control his abilities. Well, he'd fucking been wrong about that assumption!

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