Chapter Twenty-eight

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A/N: Enjoy this impressively long-ass chapter that came in at a total of 34 fucking pages. I don't know why I wrote such a long-ass chapter, but it happened. They just would NOT let me cut it any shorter. So I hope you enjoy it thoroughly. I struggled off and on with this chapter. So...yeah.

There's some stuff happening in my life right now that's definitely causing some serious stress, anxiety, and making my insomnia go haywire (University being one of those intense stressors cause it's the end of the semester). So, my chapters are taking a bit longer than before. And I'm sorry about that. Also, I'm entirely aware that things are moving at a snail's pace, sort of. It's just how it's flowing from me. I hope it's not too slow or boring for you all.

(Enjoy the SasuxNaru with what I like to think is an overprotective Kashi-nii pic. It's not mine. Not sure whose it is.)



Grumbling could be heard behind Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke as they walked down the streets of Konoha. Kakashi looked thoroughly amused, Sakura looked equally as amused by the grumbling behind them. Sasuke looked like he couldn't decide whether or not to be amused or just as fed up as the source of the grumbling.

"Maa~, otōto, it won't be that bad. It's just a kitty." Kakashi hummed cheerfully. Another string of grumbled obscenities came from behind them.

Sasuke sighed. "I guess I could try and catch the demon cat and soothe it." He muttered, remembering all the cat paws he used to collect and the cats that he had come across. Many of them were pretty nice when it came to him. And now cats seemed to have little no issue with him. So it was worth a shot.

"I'm a fox. I don't get along with dogs or cats." Grumped Naruto, lagging behind them.

"Pakkun and Shiba would be very offended by that." Kakashi chuckled.

"Pfft, they aren't dogs. They're ninken. HUGE difference." Naruto countered. "Besides, Pakkun and Shiba know I adore them."

"Oh come on Naruto! Tora is just a kitty!" Sakura chirped happily, nearly skipping along.

"Tora is a fucking crazed beast." Naruto huffed back.

"Language," Kakashi said.

"Yeah, I'm speaking it." Naruto stuck his tongue out as he passed his team, his hands behind his head.

"Gaki," Kakashi muttered.

Sasuke shrugged. "What do you expect from? He's the cutest brat there is." Sasuke grinned, jogging up next to Naruto, winking at him to get that blush he loved so much. "Are you still grounded?"

Naruto looked back at Kakashi. "I dunno... let's ask my jailer." He deadpanned. "Well?"

"Hm..." Kakashi looked at Naruto. "I guess three and a half weeks is enough for sneaking out and getting drunk."

Sakura snorted. "It might've been a bit much Kakashi-sensei."

"More than enough. I want to take my boyfriend on dates and I can't do that if he's on lockdown." Sasuke grunted.

"So I'm free?" Naruto turned, walking backward, hands still behind his head.

"Yes, Naruto, you're free." Kakashi chuckled.

"YES!!" Naruto double fist-pumped and jumped in a turn. "LET'S DO THIS SHIT!" He jogged ahead, putting on the wireless radio he had been given earlier.

Sasuke smiled, putting his radio on as well. "You've energized our hyperactive knucklehead."

"So it would seem." Kakashi shook his head, chuckling quietly.

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