"What did they say?" I ask.

"She said a young girl with a gift will seek answers. Then proceeded to tell me what all is happening or at that time going to happen." Alessana folds her hands together.

"What is this gift I have?" I hold my breath.

"You're an angel." She whispers.

"A angel?" I question.

"Yes the premonitions and the light are signs only of a angel." She informs me.

"How am I an angel?" I ask.

"Well you where born the day the demons took over." She begins. "God placed this gift on you to help save man kind from the wrath of demons."

"That can't be." I shake my head.

"Your light is the only thing that is capable of killing demons." She yells me.

"The purest good." I remember from her book.

"Yes!" She sighs. "That's not the only thing."

"What else?"

"Every angel is promised to a demon." She tells me. "A twin flame."

"Wait what does that even mean."

"When god gifted you as an angel Lucifer made one as well just a demon. Both made almost the same. From what it sounds like you have found yours." She reaches her hand over and touches mine. "Harry."

I don't know how to respond to this information.

"My dear every demon is not consumed by their sin because they are part of you. Part of the truly good." She says.

"Why am I just now finding this out? Shouldn't I have know about this before?" I question.

"Yes but your adoptive mother suppressed your gift." She tells me.

"How do you know about that?" My eyes widen.

"Your adoptive mother was a witch. She's the witch that came to me warning me." Her voice gets more fragile with her words.

"She c-c-came to you?" I stutter.

"Yes telling me everything how they adopted you and noticed right away your gift. The world was to dangerous for you.  So she created a potion to suppress your abilities." Her touch is soothing me slightly.

"Then why are they all of a sudden happening now." I ask.

"Well when you met Harry your twin flame must have pulled them to the surface." She simply states.

"Does that mean they are not suppressed anymore?" My mind is spinning from all of the information.

"No honey they are." She pauses. "I can fix that for you."

"You mean you can give me my abilities in full?" I lock eyes with her.

"Yes dear." She says. "Your life will be harder. The fact of hiding yourself will be tough trust me I've been doing it for years."

"I don't want them." I tell her.

"And that's your choice." She sadly smiles.

"Can I have time to process all of this?" I ask. My head is spinning I just need some time.

"Of course honey." She stands up. "You are welcome back at any time."

"Thank you." I stand up as well.

We give each other a slight hug and I make my way up the stairs. My steps are quick I feel like the air around me is disappearing. I'm an angel. I'm a twin flame to Harry. My mother was a witch. So many thoughts are going around my head. How could I of never know any of this.

When I'm outside I see it's already getting dark. I look up at the sky. Part of me expecting to see some kind of change. There wasn't any. The sound of a car horn makes me jump. Looking at where it came from I see Marvin. I get to the car and slip inside.

"Hey Marvin take me to Harry's please." I tell him.

I sink as far into the seat as I can. I'm the only thing capable of killing demons. That means the light that hit Harry is harmful. Oh god my light. That's why the D.W.A. Wants me. I'm the only thing that can kill them.

I tug at the roots of my hair. It feels like everything just went to shit.

"Are you okay back there?" Marvin asks me.

"Yes I'm fine just bit of a headache." I lie. He seems to by it though.

Staring out the window I watch everything pass by me. Well at least I've finally got my answers.


I bang on Harry's door impatiently. There is so much to tell him. How will he react? Honestly there is no reason for him to react badly. I mean this is mainly about things happening to me. Well besides the whole I'm the only thing that can kill you part. Again I start to bang on the door.

"I'm coming!" His thick accent is heard through the door.

Finally the door opens to show Harry. I lung into him. Wrapping my arms around his neck I just hug him. His arms wrap around me as he hugs me back. His warmth heating me up from the harsh cold winds of New York.

"Hello love." He says.

"Harry I got answers." I look at him to see his eyes go completely wide.


How did you like it? Anyone surprised by anything?

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!!

Xxx Jess

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