Chapter 59: When Drama Ensues . . .

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One of the drunks spoke, obviously questioning this new information, "What are you saying . . ?"

Our course of information spoke again, "It's information from the northern village, Hil. There's no mistake. The powerful family from Sen Province, Li Hazara, is leading a large army. He's advancing towards Saika!"


I sighed, but took a seat as new rumors started about the apparent attack on the Fire Tribe capital. I had been making notes on some parchment that I carried with me in a purse that hung from by obi, but I was now drawing a blank. There was something wrong with this picture. Sure, there was something wrong about why there would be Fire Tribe soldiers in Kai, but this . . . this was the weirdest time for them to attack.

Surely it would have been more beneficial to attack when the power shifted to Soo-won, right?

Suddenly, my head was throbbing with pain because my oh-so-loving brother, Hak, decided to hit me, "What did I do to deserve that?"

"You were thinking too hard." Just as I was about to bite back a comment, Hak spoke softly, so that a certain red-haired princess wouldn't hear, "You're trying to figure out what to tell him, right?"

"Hak - "

He laughed softly, "I'm not quite sure how else you'd know about something being wrong."

"Look," I said softly, but with conviction, "I was going to look for everyone when I was done with this information trip. I finally found that there isn't much more I can learn when it comes to life at court or at home."

A bitter scoff was thrown my way, "And, yet . . . you're still working with him." He stood up quickly from his seat and made his way out into the alley.

I growled, and before anyone could stop me, I followed him outside. When I reached him, Hak and I made our way down a couple of alleys down, so that our group - who were surely confounded by the two of us - wouldn't be able to easily eavesdrop.

Once we were far enough away, I started, "What was I supposed to do, Hak?!"

"You didn't have to gravitate towards him! You didn't have to wait this long to come and find us!" He was bitter and seemed to have a lot of things on his mind, so I figured that this was going to be a long yelling match. 

"I had to stay! Tae-yon's hard to leave!" He was about to cut me off, but I continued, my anger at his inability to see my circumstances was bleeding into my words, "Also, in case you didn't know, I was very injured. Imagine showing up on Gramp's doorstep injured in many different ways, and then having to tell him that you don't remember how you got such deadly injuries! It's not exactly easy to slip out of his watchful eye."

Hak and I had been gravitating closer together, so now, he was in my face, and I bravely matched his lethal gaze with one of my own, "But that doesn't explain why you were at court."

"Believe it or not, I happened to have some pretty important memories of my own at the castle! Not to mention that I knew as soon as I tried to find everyone again, it would be harder for me to go back and try to get those memories! Also, I think it's important to note that there was going to be a search party sent out for me had I not responded to requests to come to court. I figured that I could take some time off to go search 'for other memories' without a search party by at least responding to the letters!"

"But - !"

I scoffed, "What? Did you think that I just decided that my life would be easier to be at court? That I thought that I could return to my old way of life? Because, you know, I have that option! I can go back, be a court lady, and get married - live 'happily ever after'!" 

He tried to speak again, but I didn't allow it. No, rather, I met his ferocity with that of my own, even though that meant that I was allowing my tears to trail down my face.

"But I want  to know what I forgot! I'm searching! But to do that without jeopardizing everyone that I care about, I need to do this! Giving this information is not just me writing to a friend to warn about an attack! This is to benefit Kouka, Hak!"

He almost backed down. Almost.

I really thought that by putting everything that I had out on the table, I would be able to get to him, but alas, it was - apparently - not enough for him, "To benefit Kouka? Since when is that an issue for you?!"

I gasped, "Maybe, I don't know, since I was able to do something about it?!"

"It's not like you're the queen of the kingdom! You shouldn't have to worry about that!"

I took a step back, trying to figure out what Hak was getting at, "What does me not being the queen have to do with wanting to protect the kingdom I live in?! I have no idea where that would come into play - I . . . I never said anything about - !"

"Please - you don't have to lie, Midori!"

"I'm not lying! I don't know what you're talking about!" I was desperate and lost, and just as our group of friends rounded the corner, Hak decided to hit me with some new information.

Words full of bitterness - for me or for the King, I wasn't sure at this point - were thrown in my face, "I know about your betrothal, Midori! Gramps told me a few weeks before the princess's birthday!"

My confusion had to be written all over my face, it was clear from the looks that I was getting from the group - who were at Hak's back. Still, I couldn't help but ask, "My . . . my betrothal?"

"To the King!"


Well. . . I . . .  I, uh . . .

I really didn't know when I was going to throw this bombshell at you guys, but it . . . just sorta . . . happened? I thought that maybe I could figure out how to fix my ever-growing issue that I've created with Hak . . . but, um, considering how this went, I don't think it will happen soon.

I feel really bad too, because I like Hak's character . . . 

Since he doesn't have any closure on the situation with Soo-won, I thought that it would fit here as well. 

Drama~ I'm hitting y'all with drama sorry to do that.

Maybe I can update soon . . . because I've been told my cliffhangers are . . .not great . . . so maybe I won't have to make you wait as long? Sorry~

Anyway, did I, uh, surprise you? I've been thinking that this could add another layer to the relationship that I have been developing. I mean, it's already written, so it's not going to change now . . . but I think it will create some interesting 'conflicts' within the story.....

Hope you liked it,


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