Chapter • 1

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Licking my fudge pop while skipping, the stoplight just turned green so I can cross, smiling I do so, my popsicle was done so I threw it out at the nearest trash can. Then as I walk, I look at my phone to see how far my destination is. I'm almost there!

Humming a peaceful tone, I see it! I shout to my butler, Robin. He's carrying my luggage's because.. well you'll see soon!

He says in a stern voice "Lady Jas, wait for me. I don't want you to fall or someone hurts you. It is my duty to protect you." He says. "Blah, blah, blah." I say as I continue walking to my location. Running in joy because it's so close, I trip on a rock, my face immediately frowns, as I start to cry, tears in my eyes.

I call my butler two times until he sighs and comes over. "I told you to wait for me, Lady Jas." He says before helping me up. I hold his hand and then we enter the college.

Amused by how big it is, I squeal in excitement! "SOOO BIG!" I say. My butler just laughs. He then leads the way, there were chairs so he told me to sit there, while I was waiting, swinging my legs. I'm so bored waiting here, it's been 20 minutes so I get up and search. Quite the curious girl you could say about me.

I then go up to the stairs and see loads of doors. There was a huge hall, and the view was beautiful. I wonder how it would look in the night.. my eyes leads to something else. Something bright, I go over and it disappeared. "That's weird". I then go back to the bench, perfect timing, my butler just finished his conversation.

"Hello!" I say, he gives me a key. I'm assuming it's the key to my room. He then tells me my room number. I told him I'll take the stairs while he takes the elevator to carry the luggage's. Happily, I skip to my room. Opening it, it was a beautiful big room.. the living room was located on the right, next to the door is where you put your shoes. Then the kitchen, nice solid silver high chairs, and the counter was a clean white marble color. the cabins matched this vibrant touch. Delicate. Just imagine me staining the counter in shades of red~.

Since I know my butler is going to settle my stuff down, I turn on the TV, watching the news. Soo boring. There's no killings? Humph.. I hear the door click, must be my butler. As I assumed, it was. He said he'll settle my luggage's and set up my room.

[Three hours later]

I was just on my phone waiting for my room to be finished. He came out and finally my room was done! I noticed there were more rooms, five more rooms? Including mine would be six. Out of curiosity, I asked my butler why were there five more rooms? "Oh, My Lady you will be sharing with some other students. Please do not play any tricks on them." He said. I was so mad, I certainly did not want to share with other people. Clenching my fists. I then smile at him, but my eyes show evil, with a glare.

"Are they at least girls?" I say. "Ah, no.." He says. Angry as I am, I clench my fist harder, my skin piercing through my skin making marks and they start to bleed a bit. My butler then realizes, he interrupts the silence by walking to the kitchen counter and getting paper before heading my way. "My Lady, you're bleeding. Please let me take care of it." Ugh I cant stand him.

I walk over to him and he gently wets the napkin and holds it, then cleans up the blood. He sighs. "You know my lady, ya really do have anger issues. I won't be there next time, but please stay in contact with me. I will take care of the town while you stay here." He says. As much as I can't stand him sometimes, he cares for me. "Yeah yeah." I say.

[One hour later]

My butler ordered food for us, and I dug right in. After that it was time for him to leave, I can't wait to see my room! He bows down, a warm smile across his face but still dead.. emotionless eyes. He then gets up and waved goodbye before heading out. I innocently wave goodbye to him. I run right to my room! I see bright colors, a nice pink, green pastel color blend. I'm in love! My bed was so big and nice. The window view was stunning. I look at the time.. "10:03 PM". "Oh my! So late already?! Time sure does go by fast when you only want it to sometimes." I say before changing into my pajamas. Tomorrow will be a new day!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Heyo fellow readers! I hope you enjoy my story so far. Comment "🎁" if you see this message. I will try to update my stories daily! 💞

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