Popular Dean/Nerd Castiel

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Castiel gets bullied by the one and only Azazel. His backups are Crowley and Alistair. They make sure to not leave bruises or scars where they would easily be seen. They don't want his brothers going after him. Castiel has 8 siblings: Lucifer, Zachariah, Michael, Gabriel, Anna, Samandriel (they call him Alfie), Hannah, and Naomi. Castiel, Dean, and Lucifer are all seniors. Gabriel, Sam, and Alfie are sophomores. The rest are either graduated or not in high school yet. One day, Castiel and Dean meet.


*Castiel's POV*

Azazel has just beat me up in the janitors closet. When they leave, they turn the lights off. I'm too lazy to move, but when I hear people walking towards the room, I hide behind a couple bins filled with decorations for the upcoming dance. The door opens and I duck my head. I hear light kissing and moaning. I scrunch up my face in disgust, not wanting to listen to two people have sex. My hands cover my ears and I accidentally bump the bin.

"Shit," someone mutters quietly. "Go back to class, I'll be there in a couple minutes. Want to find out who'd be sick enough to listen to us without speaking up." I hear a a quick kiss before the door opens. It shuts again and I hide my face in my knees. The light switch flips on and I start to tremble in fear. "What the hell?" The voice sounds like he's right in front of me, but I don't dare look up. "There's blood all over this closet, all over you. Are you okay?" I shake my head no, not trusting my voice. "I'm taking you to the nurse, come on." I flinch as he lays a gentle hand on my shoulder. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to get you checked out to make sure you're okay."

"No," I reply quietly. He jumps back at the sound of my voice. I slowly lift my head up to see the one and only, Dean Winchester. My breathing hitches as I see him take in all my features before staring into my eyes. I dig my head back into my knees. "Go away, Winchester."

"You know my name?" He asks.

"No shit. Most popular guy in school, remember?" I ask with sarcasm. I shrink as I realize what I had just said. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize," Dean sighs. "Where's the blood coming from? I would've expected a bloody nose, or at least something."

"They're careful," is all I reply with.

"Who?" He asks. I shake my head, quickly standing up. I use the wall to support myself as a pain shoots down my right leg. "Woah, you okay?"

"Do I look like I'm okay?" I retort. He raises his hands up in the air as a sign of backing off. "Sorry, I'm used to hearing that all the time. Gets annoying." He looks at me skeptically. "My brothers and sisters. I'm the middle child. Four older four younger."

"Holy shit," Dean says. "How many of them go here?"

After doing the math in my head, I reply. "Three." I stand up straight and hiss as another pain shoots through my leg. Dean watches me as I walk over to the janitor door. I take a deep breath before walking out. I try my hardest not to limp around, especially in the halls.

When lunch time arrives, I see Gabriel, Alfie, and Lucifer sitting alone at a table. I quickly glance at the 'popular' table, and there Dean was. Our eyes meet for a split second before I force my gaze to my brothers. I take my usual seat next to Alfie and look up at Gabe. He has a small smirk plastered across his face. I tilt my head in confusion, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Saw you checking out Winchester," Gabe says. Lucifer and Alfie look over to me.

"For your information, I was not checking him out. We ran into each other earlier and talked for a bit," I inform him.

"Woo! Get some, Cassie!" Gabe fist pumps the air while yelling loudly. I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment. After taking a deep breath, I pull them away.

Destiel One Shots (with a bit of Sabriel)Where stories live. Discover now