Chapter 9

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Severus was standing in the entry hall, his face with it's normal neutral expression as he closed the doors after ushering the last of the students and their family's out of the castle. Hogwarts was officially empty for the summer, he allowed himself to slump slightly in relief, keeping his mask up was harder and harder the longer he was with harry, he was just too happy to be that bitter any more.

He straightened up again when he heard footsteps but relaxed when he saw it was Harry coming to find him. Harry waved happily as he approached, smile slipping when he stumbled forward after tripping over what looked like thin air.

Severus chuckled under his breath "Really Potter, it's a wonder the dark lord didn't defeat you with an well placed banana peel." He snarked fondly at harry.

"Oh shush it you giant bat." Harry huffed playfully, his cheeks still red. "There's a stone that's a bit loose here, probably didn't get fixed quite right during the restoration." He straightened the stone out with his wand, making sure to make the floor as level as he possibly could.

Severus rolled his eyes "Of course, blame your clumsiness on the defenseless floor." He joked.

"Defenseless my ass." Harry huffed, rolling his own eyes as he walked closer. "Now, As I was going to say! The last of the students finally gone?"

Severus chuckled, nodding. "Yes, That was the last of them." He answered, raising an eyebrow "Why?" He questioned

Harry's grin just brightened as he leaned forward. "Then that means, Severus, you're officially NOT my professor anymore. We don't have to hide anymore."

Severus sighed "Harry..." he began, caressing his cheek gently "It's not best flaunt it either..." he reasoned.

"There's a difference between flaunting it and not hiding it." Harry snorted

Severus rolled his eyes, leaning down and kissing Harry softly. "Very well." He said as he pulled back.

Harry beamed, tugging him into another kiss.

Severus allowed himself to be pulled down, chuckling softly against Harry's lips and continued to kiss him until he heard.

"My my, Severus. I wasn't aware you like them so...young." A voice drawled, making his blood run cold. Ceasing his kiss with Harry, his head snapped up to see Lucius there with a smirk on his face, and Draco next to him, he was pretty sure the younger blonde's jaw was about to hit the ground

Harry let out a soft sound of surprise, turning to the two blondes. "I thought you said all the students were gone, Severus." Harry turned, all but pouting at Severus. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Draco managed to compose himself, savoring the shock in his eyes.

Severus straightened himself, mask falling easily back into place. "Well, Lucius,it's a good thing I no longer require your approval." He said coldly

Harry snickered lightly. "Hello Draco." Harry waved almost awkwardly, smiling when the other gave him an amused grin.

"Harry." Draco nodded. They'd buried the hatchet, so to speak, after the war.

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