Chapter 1

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Harry cursed, bolting down the stairs. Heading for the dungeons. Of course, he had detention, even as an 8th year he couldn't stay out of trouble for long.

"Mr. Potter." Snape drawled, standing outside the potions class where he would be serving detention "Are you ever on time?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, not waiting on an answer he turned and walked back into the classroom, robes billowing behind him. Harry groaned, rubbing his face as he followed.

"Sorry sir was working on my transfiguration essay," Harry said.

"The cauldrons over there need cleaning." He said, ignoring Harry's excuse completely, pointing to the corner of the room. "And no magic." He said with a hint of satisfaction.

"Yes, sir." Harry let out a sigh. At least the cleaning at the Dursley's would be good for something.

Severus walked around his desk, taking out a stack of essays the second years had turned in, scowling as he marked almost everyone with a failing grade as he ignored Harry as thoroughly as possible. However, a few times his eyes did wonder, he wasn't blind after all.

Harry scrubbed the cauldrons in mostly silence, working quickly but thoroughly until he was done in half the time it took other students. "Done, Professor." Harry wiped his forehead with the back of his hand.

Severus was startled out of his thoughts, on how extremely bad these papers were, by Harry's voice but he didn't let it show on his face that the boy had taken him by surprise. Snape just raised a quizzical eyebrow at him. "So soon, Mr. Potter?" He asked

"If it's one thing I know how to do, sir, its clean without magic." Harry nodded. "Helps when I was the one doing all the cleaning since I was 2." Harry murmured under his breath, but Severus heard him, again covering his shock.

"What are you mumbling about, Potter?" He snapped

"Nothing, sir." Harry gave him a small smile.

Severus' eyebrow went even higher, Potter had never smiled at him. Severus cleared his throat subtly "Very well Potter" He said finally. "Come, Potter. Dinner should be served by now." He commanded, not waiting on a reply as he headed out of the room towards the great hall.

Harry nodded, following Snape into the great hall, blinking as he walked in on a scene that only confused him.

Severus stopped, almost causing Harry to run into him, the scene before him was one he had expected for a while so he didn't want to interrupt his god son's well thought out plan. Harry went to walk past him, but Severus stopped him with a light touch on his shoulder, which he removed almost as soon as it rested there. Shaking his head when the boy looked at him questioningly, he nodded toward where Draco was standing with Blaise, everyone else watching them.

Harry watched the scene in confusion, eyes widening as he realized what Draco was doing, even before the "Would you do me the honor of a Date, Blaise?" Rang through the silent hall, happy chattering and cheering scattering as Blaise smiled and nodded.

"What?" Harry grew more confused, heart thumping hard against his ribs, murmuring to himself. "But Aunt Petunia's not bad? I'm not bad?" He gulped, turning to step outside of the hall, shaking a bit as he tried to get a hold on himself.

The side of Severus' lips quirked slightly, happy for Draco. He noticed Harry out of the corner of his eye, the boy was very pale and looked like he was going to throw up. Curiosity got the better of him, though he'd deny it, so he followed Harry outside of the great hall. "Potter, what are you doing?" He drawled.

"Trying not to panic" Harry freely admitted, resting his head back against the wall, murmuring to himself. "It's not bad, obviously it's not, you saw how they reacted as if it wasn't anything wrong, she was wrong, it's okay to be gay, it's fine, why are you panicking harry?"

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