Chapter Three- Everything Alright?

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"Yoongi all done!" The Little said proudly holding up his drawing to show Jin.

It had been an hour or two since the both of them had come back to the dorm and now the two were currently drawing in the living room. Thankfully Yoongi didn't hesitate much when Jin suggested to go back to the dorm, the only condition Yoongi put was that he wanted a piggy back ride on the way there, and who was Jin to deny him that request?

Initially, when they got to the dorm Jin wanted Yoongi to go to bed and sleep, but Little Yoongi was having none of that and instead pulled out two small toy cars from his Little Box that Jin had brought from the studio and asked Jin to play with him. Now that Jin knew he was a Little and wasn't disgusted he didn't want to waste a minute and wanted to play with the other for as long as he could. He was too excited to go to sleep just yet. So, after playing with some cars for a while Yoongi had grown bored and instead decided to draw.

"Jinnie! Jinnie look!" Yoongi exclaimed pulling Jin's arm at seeing the older was lost in thought. "Look! Look! Me draw Yoongi and Jinnie and we eat candy!" Excitedly Yoongi pointed to the figures on the paper.

"Wow, you did an amazing job on this baby!" Jin told him taking the drawing Yoongi was offering him.

"Jinnie keep picture! Yoongi give Jinnie!"

"Really? You're letting me keep such an amazing drawing?" Jin asked the Little acting surprised. Yoongi gave him a gummy smile and nodded. "Thank you baby, I'll make sure to take good care of it."

"Yoongi draw other one!" Before the younger could grab his crayons again Jin gently took Yoongi's hands in his making him look at him.

"I think we drew enough for now. Tomorrow we can continue drawing, because it's time for Little Yoongi to go to sleep."

"B-But no sleepy. Want draw more for Jinnie." Yoongi pouted. Jin is positive Yoongi will someday kill him with his cuteness. There is no way something this adorable is legal.

"I know, and that's very thoughtful of you, but it's bedtime sweetheart. I know you're tired. After you sleep we can continue drawing." Yoongi was going to argue back, but ended up yawning in the progress. "Thought you said you weren't sleepy, huh mister." Jin said placing his hands on his hips making the Little blush in embarrassment.

"Not sleepy." He tried saying but once again ended up yawning. Jin simply raised an eyebrow at him. "O-Okie Yoongi sleepy little." The Little confessed and Jin simply laughed and stood up from his spot.

"So, off to bed we go." Yoongi grabbed his cat stuffie Daisy which he had introduced to Jin earlier, before making grabby hands at the older. Jin chuckled before lifting the Little up in his arms, and placing him on his hip so it could easier to walk. Once they got to their bedroom Jin changed Yoongi into some sweats and a T-shirt and tucked the boy into bed with him hugging his stuffie close to him. Soon though, Yoongi made a whining noise opening his mouth. Surprised Jin was going to ask what was wrong until something in his mind clicked and he chuckled pulling out the blue pacifier from his pocket. Yoongi's eyes lit up and sighed in content once Jin placed it between his lips. "Okay, now it seems you're ready for bed. Sleep well Yoongi." The older said ruffling the Little's hair making him whine in annoyance making Jin chuckle.

"J-Jinnie?" The Little said in a shy voice as he saw Jin heading towards the door. Jin stopped and turned around.

"Yes, Yoongi?"

"N-No leave Yoongi."

"But, you have to sleep sweetheart." Jin told the Little in a small voice. Yoongi moved over in bed and patted the now empty spot next to him. Jin smiled, and walked back before laying down beside the younger, resting his head on the headboard. Yoongi smiled and snuggled closer to Jin's chest as he began drifting off to sleep, his body exhausted from the sleepless nights in the studio.

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