Chapter Sixteen- Hate and Love

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Yoongi knew this was a mistake. He knew he should have just skipped past it and continue with his day, but of course that wasn't what happened. He knew he was breaking a promise to the other members, but he just couldn't help it!

You don't belong in the group! No one wants you!

This one comment was what sent Yoongi down a rabbit hole too deep he couldn't get out. It had all started because the oldest rapper had posted a selfie on Twitter, expressing his love for ARMY and telling them how much he missed them. He loved his fans, and wanted to brighten their day in some way. This isn't the first time he posted a selfie, and even though they get hate comments daily, the hurt was still there. Each hateful word tore away at his heart.

Everyone had made a promise to not read hate comments alone and if one were to read one to stop, quickly scroll past it, or just wait for another member to continue. This rule was enforced more ever since Yoongi's littlespace was discovered. The caregivers just couldn't bear the thought of Yoongi slipping unhappily into his headspace when no one was with him.

For the sake of their promise Yoongi tried to stop. Heaven knows he tried to put his phone down once he saw that comment, but it was as if his phone had magically glued to his hand forcing him to continue to hold it. He couldn't even call out to the rest of the members because they had gone out to do grocery shopping while Yoongi preferred to use their free day to sleep in some more. He had spent a lot of time composing songs the past couple of weeks and now that he had the chance to sleep he took it. He just didn't think his day would wound up like this.

Not being able to help himself, Yoongi found the next hate comment which in his mind didn't take too long to find.

Why is this person part of the group? He's so ugly I don't understand...

Was he? Yoongi saw the user had added a picture of the rest of the members with hearts by them, but a X was placed on his face, clearly showing their hate for him. Yoongi looked at the picture, and frowned. Well... the other members looked amazing in the picture... maybe... maybe he was the ugliest?

Can't even rap well don't know what's all the hype ¯\_()_/¯

Yoongi really thought his rapping was good. He was proud of it, but... maybe he wasn't as good as he thought? Namjoon and Hoseok were pretty good rappers themselves. Was he too naïve to believe he was as good as them?

One word... LAZY!

But... he wasn't lazy... was he? Well yeah... he liked to sleep, but still. He worked hard like the rest of the members, but... no one else is calling them lazy. So, was he lazy compared to everyone else?

The next couple of comments though broke him even more.

Everyone would be better off without him

LMAOO I'm sure the others are glad whenever he's not around

He doesn't contribute or ever do anything for the other members probs why they don't like him as much

BTS and ARMY don't need you

With that it seemed like the glue holding his phone and hand together vanished and his phone fell onto the bed beside him.

Do... do they really not need him?

Yoongi brought his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them while leaning his head against them. Somewhere deep in Yoongi's head he heard a voice yelling at him to stop thinking these things since it's ridiculous, but the louder voice in head continued to run those comments in his head, on repeat. Each time he heard the comments again, the more Yoongi started to believe them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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