Chapter Six- Just Confused

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Since that day Yoongi and Jin continued to keep the fact that Yoongi was a little from the others. The other members however, began to notice that the two oldest were keeping something from them. Being the two oldest of course the two were always close, but now it seemed as if they had gotten even closer. 

The members noticed how Jin would often spare the rapper a glance every now and then. They saw how he would go up to the black haired male and check if he was okay after practice and gave him water. Sure Jin did that with all the members since he worried about their health, but with Yoongi it started becoming more often. 

Yoongi on the other hand would have moments where he would lean on Jin for comfort, which often resulted in the latter running his hands through Yoongi's hair. This surprised everyone since everyone knew Yoongi wasn't one for skinship.

Recently however, BTS's schedule had become packed and they all became very busy. They mostly spent their time out of the dorms, but when they did go back it was really late at night, and all they did was go straight to bed before waking up early the next morning, change, and heading back out. This was their routine for two straight weeks, before eventually things started falling back into their regular routine. Right now the only thing they had to focus on was learning a new chorography, and afterwards they would have time to relax.

These past two weeks were hard for everyone, but Yoongi was definitely having trouble. With everything going on Yoongi didn't have time to slip. Other times when they were busy Yoongi always found time to slip, even if it was for an hour, but not this time. His mind wanted to fall into little space, but Yoongi knew he couldn't. There was too much work, and him slipping would not help at all. Jin knew this, and of course was concerned. Whenever they got home Jin told Yoongi he could slip if he wanted, but it was late at night, and Yoongi knew Jin was just tired as everyone else and didn't want to burden the oldest even more. Even though Jin had told him constantly that he didn't mind, Yoongi refused. This of course didn't help Jin's worry, as he saw all this stress take its toll on the rapper.

"Yoongi! Watch your footing!" Their chorographer yelled over the sound of the music. "And make sure to remember which direction you're supposed to go to! This is my third time telling you!"

"S-Sorry." Yoongi apologized running his hand through his hair. The chorographer sighed before pausing the music.

"Everyone, starting positions. We're starting over." He said simply making some members groan before going to their spots.

Yoongi felt guilty at making everyone start over, because he kept messing up. He knew they were all tired, and just wanted to go back to the dorms to sleep. Jin frowned at seeing Yoongi's expression and wanted to go comfort him, but at that moment the music started once more, and they began the choreography again...

"Yoongi! What did I say?" And again...

"Start over!" And again...

"Starting positions! We're starting from the beginning!" And again...

Eventually after several more attempts Yoongi managed to complete the dance with only a few small mistakes, but it was good enough for now.

"Okay, overall that was good. There were only some small mistakes that need to be corrected, but it should be fixed after some more practice. That's it for today. Great job everyone!"

At hearing those words, everyone sighed in relief and rushed to grab their water from their bag. Yoongi however stayed on his spot, bending down and placing his hands on his knees as he tried regulating his breathing.

It was a minute later when he saw his water bottle being offered to him, and when he looked up he saw Jin standing there with a small smile.

"Here Yoongi-ah, drink some water." Yoongi sighed, and took the water bottle from Jin.

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