Chapter 38

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When Éponine finally got her phone back after a week in the hospital she saw that it was overflowing with messages from Marius. He had called her, texted her, and emailed her. He used every possible method of communication and it scared Éponine that he could still contact her. Therefore, she and Enjolras went to the store and got her a totally new phone and number. She felt more secure until she went back to school. By that time everyone had heard that something crazy had happened between Éponine and Marius, but most of her classmates didn't know the details of the incident, which Éponine was thankful for. She had gone to the principal with Enjolras and told him everything. He was shocked by the whole ordeal and wanted to have Marius arrested immediately.

"Please Miss. Thenardier, action must be taken" he said trying to convince Éponine.

However she shook her head, "No. I'm sorry but calling the police isn't going to make a difference, trust me. I just need to get a restraining order which is being processed right now. I just was wondering if I could be exempt from the classes with Marius in them until all the legalities have been sorted out" she said.

The principal looked skeptical but eventually he shrugged, "I guess that us fine Ms. Thenardier. Please make yourself comfereable" he said gesturing to his office.

"Thank you sir" she said smiling. He nodded before leaving the room. Éponine and Enjolras sat in silence before Enjolras finally stood.

"I should get to my class" he said looking down at her.

"Please be careful okay? I'm sure that if you asked he would let you stay here too, with me" she said standing as well.

Enjolras shook his head, "No I can't do that. We both can't be missing school. Ill be fine Ép" he said smiling reassuringly.

She nodded and watched him go. Soon she was alone in the brooding office. Today was the last day before spring break. Éponine was so happy to have her break and to get away from everyone.

Musichetta was expecting her baby very soon. Surprisingly her parents were very supportive of Musichetta and Joly. Apparently something had changed in them after they saw how Joly stayed with Musichetta after she became pregnant. They respected her relationship with him and everyone was anxious for the baby's arrival. Later in the week Éponine and Enjolras had a plan with Musichetta and Joly. Éponine liked to think of it as a double date. After the hospital Éponine and Enjolras started to become closer as a couple.

In addition to getting a restraining order for Marius, Éponine's father had been taken into custody while she was in the hospital. She hoped that she wouldn't have to worry about either of them again. She hoped that her life could return to normal after these hectic past few months.

She knew she would never be able to forget what happened and she knew it changed her. She was less eager to trust people even if she has known them for a long time. It would be hard to readjust to regular life but she was glad it was spring break so she could of get back into the swing of things.

Suddenly her phone rang. She pulled it out, it was a number she didn't recognize. She answered it, "Hello?" She asked.

"Her Ponine, remember me, your boyfriend?" Sneered the voice. Marius.

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