Chaptr 25

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Pain erupted in the back of her skull an her vision immediately clouded. "Who was the boy you were with this afternoon? You only told me about Musichetta so you could go hang out with another guy! Don't deny it, I saw you" Marius seethed his grip tightening around her neck with every word.

"No" she squeaked, "he's-Musichetta's-boyfriend-I-was-bringing-him-to-her" she chocked out.

Marius rolled his eyes, "Really? Why couldn't she do it? Did she really need you to do it, if that story is actually true" he asked condescendingly.

Éponine's vision was beginning to blur and fade, "Marius-please" she wheezed, "you-have-to-believe-me! I-wouldn't-lie-to-you". She could barely breathe. She felt herself slipping but she fought to keep conscious. Suddenly she felt him release her and she collapsed into his arms heaving.

"Éponine you have to tell me these things. I didn't know what you were helping Musichetta with or why you needed to go get her boyfriend. You have to tell me the whole story so something like this doesn't happen again, okay?" He asked.

She nodded weakly, barely able to stand. "I'm sorry Marius, I won't do it again. I just-I didn't know why Musichetta needed me when I first left" she said desperately.

Marius's hand cracked down and connected forcefully with Éponine's face. She collapsed to the ground with a pained pant. "Well find out! Gosh are you stupid or something? You should already know to ask what you're needed for before you go anywhere for someone!" He yelled his good mood gone from before.

Éponine felt tears escaped her eyes, "I'm sorry, I know now, it won't happen again" she blurted out.

Suddenly she heard a knock at the door, "Is everything alright?" Enjolras asked, "I heard yelling" he said.

Éponine sighed and looked up to Marius. He looked expectantly down at her and she cleared her throat. "Everything's fine Enjolras. Thanks for checking" she said strongly. She was surprised at how steady her voice sounded despite her tears.

"Alright" said Enjolras, "I'm right next door if you need me" he said, his words giving her some form of comfort.

Marius scoffed and rolled his eyes and waited to talk until Enjolras closed his door once again. "Éponine you just need to be more responsible. I don't want to keep having to remind you to do all these simple stupid things. Any other girl could probably do it with ease but you have to be so difficult. I just hope I don't have to do it again. It really pains me Éponine, you making me do this. Just try to work things out next time, okay?" He asked helping her up.

Éponine's face still stung from his slap and her breathing still had not regulated but she nodded.

Marius smiled and pulled her into him, "That's my amazing girlfriend. Do you need anything? A bag of ice maybe so the swelling won't be as bad" he asked gently.

Éponine smiled and nodded, "Ice would be great" she said. He kissed her head softly before leaving the room. Éponine sat down on her bed and exhaled she couldn't believe how much of an déjà vu feeling she had during the ordeal. She felt like it was her father not Marius doing it. She could feel his grubby hands on her neck and face, smell his breath laced with brandy and scotch, her begging for forgiveness or mercy, and feel the bruises beginning to form already.

Marius returned with the ice a few minutes later and he placed it gently on her face. "It won't happen again, baby. I promise" he said. And she believed him.

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