Chapter 32

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Éponine and Enjolras arrived in their first period class and Éponine sat down next to him. She couldn't sit in her regular seat next to Marius and it depressed her slightly. She slid down in her seat and waited watching the door intently. Finally he arrived. Marius walked in with his eyes staring straight. She tried to get him to look at her but he didn't.

She saw Enjolras stiffen out of the corner of her eye and she turned to face him. "Relax Enj, he won't try to pull anything at school okay?" She said slightly annoyed before going back to watching Marius. He had sit down a few people in front of her in the row over. However he did not look back. Éponine sighed and averted her eyes to the board in front of the class. The class seemed to drag on until finally the bell rang. She saw Marius spring up and bolt through the door and she sighed. She went to follow him out and felt Enjolras at her side.

"Éponine, do you feel comfortable going to your class with him?" He asked concerned.

She nodded quickly, "Yeah Enj it's fine. Trust me" she said before turning away and walking down the hallway. When she arrived in the class she took her normal seat across from him.

He looked up as soon as he sat down, "I want you to get Enjolras off your back. At this rate he'll find out about us in no time. He's too clingy" he said annoyed.

Éponine nodded, "I agree but ever since he found out about you know what he's been treating me like a child. I don't have enough leash to pull at with him. He's too protective" she said.

Marius shook his head, "Just try your best okay? I want to be able to stay with you" he said.

She nodded, "Definitely".

He smiled, "That's my girl. Now what do you want to do tonight?" He asked.

She giggled, "Well I have work until 7 and then I was planning on doing homework. I guess you could come over. I could call you when I get home which should be around 7:30" she said.

Marius nodded, "That sounds wonderful" he said touching her hand lightly.

When that class ended Éponine gave a last wistful look over her shoulder at Marius before she went to her next class with Musichetta. The girls talked for a short period of time but they found that they didn't have that much to talk about. Musichetta didn't want to bring up her break-up but that was the only thing on both of their minds so eventually the conversation died down.

At lunch the same thing happened. All her old friends didn't want to bring up the break up leaving a looming silence over the group.

Éponine sighed and cleared her throat, "I know what's on all your minds so I'm just going to say it. The break-up was pretty messy but it's done and in the past. I don't want to talk about it but if you could all stop looking at me like in wounded then we can move on" she said.

The group remained silent and just kind of stared at her. She sighed and stood up and began to walk away.

Enjolras jumped up and stood in front of her. "Where are you going?" He asked.

She sighed and pushed hair out of her face, "I can't stand it okay. I just want them to say something, anything. I just don't want them to stare at me like I'm some car crash they can't look away from. It's just annoying" she said.

Enjolras nodded, "Okay why don't you come back and sit down and we'll see what happens. Just give them another chance" he said taking her hand in his and leading her back to their friends.

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