Chapter 31

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Éponine did not get much sleep that night due to the new bruises forming on her face, so eventually she gave up and just started to get ready for her day at school. She went into her bathroom and began to apply concealer to her face. Just like every other time the bruises slowly faded until they were gone. The bruises on her neck were also much more manageable and soon they were also cover completely. She quickly got dressed and looked over to her clock. Enjolras would be getting up right about now so she gathered her things and left her room.

As she passed his door she heard him shuffling around and getting ready. She went down to the kitchen and made herself a bowl of cereal. While she was eating she heard Enjolras come down from his room.

When he saw her he smiled widely. "Morning Éponine. It's been a while since we've had breakfast together" he said as he plopped down next to her.

She couldn't help but smile, it was true. Ever since she started to date Marius she never ate breakfast with Enjolras. She would always leave extremely early so as to avoid him. It was nice to spend time with him again without the pressure of Marius breathing down her neck.

The pair completed their breakfast and walked out to Enjolras's car. Éponine felt a vibration coming from her pocket and pulled out her phone. It was Marius. She turned the screen away from Enjolras and she opened the message. "Where are you?" It read. She quickly typed back, "In the car, on our way" before tucking her phone back into her pocket.

Enjolras continued to tell Éponine how glad he was to have her as a traveling companion again. "It used to get pretty lonely without you after driving together for almost 4 years" he said casually.

She could see how hard Enjolras was trying to engage in conversation so she tried to participate but the bond they once had was damaged and strained.

She hoped it wasn't beyond repair, but she wasn't quite ready to let Enjolras in completely.

Finally the arrived at the school and they made their way to their homeroom. Éponine couldn't help but scan the halls in hopes of seeing Marius. Just a quick glance before they had to go through their schedule and to her surprise it did happen. He passed next to her their eyes meeting for a fraction if a second before Enjolras pulled her into the room.

She glanced helplessly over her shoulder only to find that Marius was already gone. As they entered the room she saw nervous looks on many of her friends faces. They must know that Éponine broke up with Marius. She stopped and Enjolras turned to her, "Do they know?" She asked. He nodded and she continued, "Do they know why?" She questioned. "

No" he said before turning back towards their friends.

She took a deep breath and followed Enjolras. She sat down next to Musichetta and smiled sheepishly to her.

"Hey Ép, I'm really sorry about Marius" she said placing her hand on Éponine's.

Éponine shrugged, "It was time to call it quits" she said sadly.

Musichetta smiled, "Well then I declare that we have a girls night tonight, just you and me. Nothing but chick flicks and junk food" she said happily.

Éponine laughed, "I would love that, but I have work tonight. Maybe we can do it sometime this weekend" she said.

Musichetta nodded, "Definetly" she said with a smile.

Éponine smiled back, "Awesome. Just text me the details so I know when to come over" she said.

"I will" said Musichetta squeezing Éponine's hand.

Éponine squeezed back and the bell rang for them to go to their first class.

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