Chapter 19

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Éponine walked through the doorway and closed the door, placing her back up against the door as she did. She bit her lip gently and closed her eyes. She had the most amazing night. She stepped away from the door and twirled around kicking her feet out as she walked towards the staircase.

"Someone looks happy" said Enjolras from the top of the stairs.

Éponine looked up and saw him staring down at her. "Enjolras I just had the most amazing night. It was magical" she said dreamily.

She heard Enjolras scoff as he began to come down the stairs to meet her. "As I recall" he began, "We have a conversation to finish, if you're up for it, that is" he said finishing as he reached the bottom step.

Éponine felt dread pit in her stomach, she did not want to talk to Enjolras right now but she nodded nonetheless and he lead her to the couch. They sat down next to eachother and Éponine leaned back into the couch as Enjolras perched himself on the edge.

Éponine saw him take a huge breath before turnig back to her, "Okay this isn't easy for me to say Éponine because I know you'll probably hate me after I say this because you had an amazing time tonight-"

"Enjolras please just spit it out" Éponine huffed crossing her arms.

"Ok, I've been trying to put aside my suspicions about Marius but I just can't. I saw something the other day in the news from Paris Academy and Marius did something awful-"

Éponine shot up, "I know okay! You just have to deal with it because he's changed!"

She started to storm off but Enjolras took her hand, "I just don't want you to get hurt" he said gently.

Éponine pulled her hand out of his, "I'm fine aren't I? I can't take care of myself Enjolras! I'm not a little girl anymore" she said furiously before going to her room and slamming the door. She sat down at the edge of her bed and ran her fingers through her hair. Enjolras just had to go and ruin her night. She sighed and laid back onto her bed. She was done with Enjolras always trying to pull her away from Marius, she really liked him and this was the first time a guy actually liked her. He was her best friend wouldn't he understand? She guessed not.

She pulled out her phone and saw one new message from Marius. She smiled through her tears and opened it. It read: "I had an amazing time tonight, I hope we can do it again soon". Éponine's smile grew and she quickly typed her response, "I had a great time too. Thanks for an amazing night!" She smiled and she couldn't wait to see him again.

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