Chapter 4

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Éponine sat down next to Musichetta just as the bell rang. The teacher came into the room and began to teach, but Éponine couldn't listen, she was still thinking about Marius. She was amazed by how quickly he had engulfed her thoughts, she had just met him that day!

Musichetta nudged Éponine and placed a note on her desk. Éponine fiddled with the piece of paper until it opened and she read what it said. It read: "Why are so happy. You've had the smile on your face since you walked into the room, and your cheeks flush every 5 second".

Éponine turned to Musichetta and rolled her eyes before she wrote her reply: "I met this guy" she wrote simply.

She passed it to Musichetta and saw her open it. As she read the response Musichetta's eyes widened and she looked at Éponine in shock before quickly scribbling down questions. She practically threw the note back to Éponine and Éponine laughed as she opened it.

All across the paper there wet questions including who and when. Éponine wrote her response, "His name is Marius. He's in my physics and art class and he's really cute. I drew a picture of him in art if you want to see it?".  She passed the note to Musichetta and Musichetta just nodded to Éponine. Éponine pulled out her art notebook and flipped to the page with his drawing. She felt her cheeks flush just looking at it. She turned it around and showed it to Musichetta.

Musichetta opened her mouth and silently said "Oh my gosh" to Éponine. Éponine laughed and nodded as she put her notebook away. When she looked back at Musichetta she saw that she was once again scribbling quickly on the paper. When she passed it back to Éponine it said, "Wow he's really cute. When do I get to meet him?"

Éponine wrote back, "At lunch next period. He has the same one as us" and passed the note to Musichetta.

Musichetta turned to Éponine and smiled, Éponine could see how excited Musichetta was for her and she felt happy. The bell rang and Musichetta practically dragged Éponine out of the room, "Oh my gosh. I can't believe you met this guy! Tell me more about him" she said to Éponine.

Éponine laughed, "Well he's from Paris academy but he transferred here this year" she began.

Musichetta nodded, "Transfer student, nice, I like it. Not like any of the loser jerks that go to this school" she said.

Éponine smiled, "Your boyfriend is one of those loser jerks, be nice. Anyway, he is a really talented artist and he sits across from me. And oh my goodness, Chetta, his eyes are so green and his smile is beautiful. I must sound so stupid right now-"

Musichetta shook her head, "Éponine you deserve this more than anyone else I know. Go for it. See what happens, what's the worst thing that could happen, right?" 

Éponine nodded realizing Musichetta was right, "Yeah, you're right. I-I can do this. I'll see you outside I promised to meet him here and take him to meet you guys".

Musichetta smiled and waved over her head as she turned, "See ya later, lover girl" she shouted.

Éponine laughed and watched her friend skip away to the other boys, her brown wavy hair bouncing behind her. Suddenly Éponine felt a tap on her shoulder, causing her to jump.

She turned around and saw Marius smiling down at her, "Hey Éponine. I had some trouble finding the entrance but I found it. I hope I'm not too late" he said.

Éponine smiled, "Don't worry, you're right on time".

His smile widened, "Awesome" he replied.

Éponine nodded her head, "Come on, this way" she said as she began to walk towards where her friends were seated.

"Wow, you get to eat outside?" He asked amazed.

"Yeah" Éponine answered casually, "did you not get to do that at Paris Academy?" She asked. 

He shook his head, "Nope, we had to sit in a stuffy cafeteria for lunch everyday" he answered sadly.

"Wow that stinks!" She said as they arrived at where her friends were seated.

"What stinks" shouted out Courfeyrac, who was seated between Combeferre and Jehan.

Éponine turned to Courfeyrac, surprised by his interjection, "Oh, my friend Marius was telling me that at Paris Academy they weren't allowed to eat outside" she answered.

"Wow you're right, that does stink!" He said back to her, making a disgusted face. Éponine laughed, Courfeyrac was always the jokester.

Enjolras cleared his throat, "Éponine, who's your new friend?" He asked protectively.

"Oh, right" Éponine said embarrassed, "guys this is Marius Pontmercy. He just transferred here from Paris Academy this year" she answered.

"Hey" Marius said with a smile, holding out his hand Enjolras.

Enjolras took it hesitantly and gave it a quick shake, "Right, so Éponine what do you have next period?" He asked. Éponine sat down next to Musichetta and Marius sat down next to her, "I have Health" she groaned to him.

Enjolras laughed, "Me too. Man, I hate that class".

Éponine laughed as well and then Marius said with a smile, "I have that class too!"

"Oh that great!" replied Éponine, whereas Enjolras's laugh faded until it was in audible.

An awkward silence rose over the group but Musichetta cleared her throat and asked, "So Marius, what's it like transferring for your senior year?"

Marius shrugged, "I mean it's really not that different except that I don't know anyone, well except for Éponine. She's been really nice today" he replied and Éponine felt herself blush. 

Musichetta laughed, "Oh yeah, Éponine's the greatest" she said with a wink in Éponine's direction. Éponine was thankful for Musichetta and smiled at her.

"Why did you decide to transfer, Marius?" asked Joly taking Musichetta's hand.

"Well", Maris said awkwardly looking to Éponine. Éponine felt her stomach sink, he couldn't tell them that, they would reject him. She subtly shook her head, and Enjolras leaned forward.

"Yeah Marius, why did you transfer?" He asked.

Marius looked at Enjolras sternly and answered, "My parents didn't feel like paying the cost of private school for one more year so they decided to send me to public school".

The two boys continued to stare at each other coldly until Éponine cleared her throat, "Marius is a really great artist you know. He's really talented".

Grantaire looked at him shocked, "Really? That's awesome dude, where did you learn?" He asked excitedly. Éponine and R used to be the only two artists in the group, Éponine a drawer and Grantaire a painter and she was happy that R was excited by Marius's talent.

"I learned a lot from my mom. She used to be a really good artist" he answered forgetting about Enjolras. Soon R and Marius were in a conversation and the rest of lunch passed. Marius appeared to fit in well with her group of friends and Éponine couldn't be happier. However, she couldn't help but wonder about Enjolras's behavior. Why was he acting so cold to Marius? What did he not like about him? Éponine would have to ask him later, but right now she was too busy thinking about how she and Marius could get closer. She really liked him, and hoped that he felt the same way.

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