Chapter 14

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Éponine returned to the class more confident than she had felt in a long time. She waltzed into the room, feeling many eyes on her and for the first time, they didn't bother her. She sat down in her seat and day back. She didn't pick up her pencil, just stared straight ahead at the board. She could feel both Marius and Enjolras's eyes on her and she smiled smugly to herself. She turned to face Marius.

He smiled lightly at her and mouthed "you ok?"

She nodded and smiled happily. She didn't feel anything weighing her down. She felt free for the first time in a long time. She shook her head allowing her hair to spill over her shoulders and she slouched back in her chair. She could see Enjolras out of the corner of her eye getting more uncomfortable each passing minute. He sat rigidly in his seat and every move that she made caused him to become more so. She began to slid her pencil in the margin of her paper, as Marius had been doing before, casually drawing small neat doodles.

The bell finally rang and she slowly put away her notebook and pencil. She saw Marius waiting for her at the door and began to walk to him but she felt a hand wrapped around her wrist. She turned around to see Enjolras, with pleading eyes, staring back at her.

"Éponine, can I talk to you?" He asked.

"Now? I'm going to be late to class. I'll talk to you later. Okay?" She replied and without waiting for a response she turned and walked to Marius, taking his hand and leading him out the door.

They walked in silence, Marius with a subtle smile on his face, until he cleared his throat. "Everything ok with Enjolras? He seems weird today" he said.

Éponine couldn't help but laugh, Marius didn't know the half of it. "Yeah something's wrong, but I'm sure he will be fine soon" she replied.

Marius didn't respond and they walked hand in hand into their classroom.

Musichetta sat talking with Joly but their chatter and laughter died down when Éponine and Marius walked into the room.

Éponine sat down next to Musichetta, who didn't even turn around to say hi. Éponine sighed and tapped on her shoulder.

Musichetta turned around slowly with an apprehensive smile, "Hey Éponine. What's up?" She asked.

Éponine shook her head. "I'm just going to disregard the fact that you were ignoring me when I walked in, okay? Okay. So are you still coming over after school?" She asked with a mix of hope and annoyance.

Musichetta wouldn't meet her eyes at first but eventually she did, "Yeah, of course I'm still coming over. You need my help. We all know how well you know fashion" she answered, and just like that Musichetta was back.

Éponine smiled. "Great, thank you so much" she said.

Musichetta smiled and shook her head, "I haven't even helped you yet. How do you know I won't give you bad advice?" She asked with a smirk.

"I know you Chetta. It would kill you to give someone bad advice when it comes to fashion. You wouldn't even let them leave" chuckled Éponine.

"True" replied Musichetta.

"Are you going to drive yourself over or are you going to catch a ride with Enjolras and me?" Éponine asked.

"My car is here at the school I'll drive myself" she replied.

Éponine nodded and the bell rang, signifying the start of the class. Éponine felt her heat racing. She was going on her first date ever tonight. This school year was different than any other. She actually had a boyfriend. At least she thought she did. She couldn't help but wonder if people officially date after the person asks or after they go on the date, but she didn't care about the answer. By tonight she would have a boyfriend. Marius Pontmercy. No other boy had shown any interest in her before, and those that did faded away after only talking for a few months. But Marius asked her out within a few days! He must really like her.

Finally the day was over and Éponine stood up. She watched Musichetta walk out of the room but then realized she would have to ride home with Enjolras. Enjolras would probably try to talk to her but frankly she didn't want to hear it. She turned to Marius and said, "I'll be right back. Meet me at my locker" before dashing after Musichetta. Once she caught up to her she tapped her shoulder, "Hey can you give me a ride home. Enjolras isn't really being friendly today" she said sadly. She was saddened by his behavior yet she was still annoyed by it.

"What is up with you two? You guys are usually thick as thieves! Why the sudden change?" She asked.

Éponine shrugged, "I don't know Chetta. Just today during lunch he changed and he ignored me during our class after that until the end and then I kinda got fed up with it so I blew him off and, well we aren't exactly on speaking terms right now" she said.

Musichetta shrugged, "I'll drive you home but first we have to drop Joly off" she said.

Éponine nodded, "I'll be at your car in 5" she said before turning around and going to her locker.

When she arrived she saw Marius and Enjolras in a heated conversation. It looked like they were on the brink of yelling at each other. Éponine casually slipped in between the two to get to her locker. "Hey guys. Enjolras, Chetta is going to give me a ride home today because she's going to come over after school" she said as casually as she could.

"Um alright, that's fine. Thanks for telling me I guess I'll go" he said standing there, waiting for her to tell him to stay before finally turning and walking briskly away.

"Wow what's his deal?" Asked Marius with a laugh.

"I don't know you tell me. What were you two talking about before I got here?" She asked reaching for the books she needed on the top shelf of her locker.

Marius reached up, grabbed them and handed them to her, "I don't know. I asked why he was at your locker and he said that he was waiting for you to drive home. I told him that you were talking to Musichetta and then he started yelling at me for asking you out" he said.

Éponine was shocked. Why was Enjolras mad. "Don't worry about it, Enjolras is just having an off day" she said trying to convince herself more than Marius.

Marius placed his hand on her shoulder, "I'm sure that's all it is" he said sweetly.

Éponine smiled to him before giving him a hug and going to Musichetta's car.

"I'll see you tonight" Marius called after her.

Éponine turned around and held her thumb up. Marius chuckled and waved before going the opposite way. Éponine turned and continued her walk down the hallway. Enjolras no longer was encompassing her thoughts all she could think about was Marius. Marius and their date tonight. Éponine couldn't contain her excitement. She reached Musichetta's car and sat down in the back seat. It was almost time.

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