Chapter 16

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Éponine stared anxiously at the clock. The second hand ticked slowly and she watched as one minute went by. Musichetta had left quickly after she finished helping Éponine claiming she and Joly had plans for that night, so now Éponine sat alone with her thoughts. She thought about Marius. How sweet he was to her, how concerned he was about her and her friends he was always so nice. But then the scared girl from the restaurant, Cosette, and her friends flashed though her mind. They seemed scared when they saw him. Cosette couldn't even stay to finish her meal. The fear in her eyes kept flashing in Éponine's mind and she felt her stomach twist. What if Marius wasn't as he seemed? What if he had a dark past that he didn't want to tell her about. Éponine quickly shook the thought. He had told her about his past, why he got kicked out. That was why the girls hated him. And the Cosette girl just never got over him. Everything would be fine tonight. Her dream was finally coming true.

She heard a knock behind her cause her to jump slightly. She turned around and saw Enjolras standing in the doorway. She sighed and jerked her head and he came and sat next to her.

"Hey" he said "You look really beautiful".

She gave him a small smile, "Thanks Enj. Listen I'm really sorry about how I've been acting today I've just been really on edge lately" she said sadly.

Enjolras grew ridged, "Is it because of him?" He asked coldly.

"No, no it's not. I think it's us" she said not looking at him.

"Us?" He questioned.

Éponine nodded, "We've been growing kind of distant in the past few weeks and I don't know why. I want us to be like we were before, and I know something is bothering you Enjolras. I always know" she said with a small smile.

Enjolras turned away and muttered something under his breath.

"I'm sorry what?" Asked Éponine.

Enjolras turned back to face her and just stared into her eyes. In his eyes Éponine saw fear and concern, a look that she had only seen on Enjolras once before.

"Enjolras please, tell me what's wrong" she begged. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to begin,

"Éponine I wish this was easy to say and I hope you won't get mad at me but-" and suddenly the doorbell rang.

Éponine shot up and ran to the door leaving Enjolras sitting alone. Éponine opened the door and was greeted by Marius's smiling face.

"Hey Ponine, wow you look great! Are you ready to go?" He asked.

She nodded, "Why don't you come in for a second" she said. She wanted to say goodbye to Enjolras and tell him that they could finish their conversation later.

When she reentered the room with Marius on her heels Enjolras was standing and making his way over to the pair. "Hey Enjolras!" Said Marius holding out his hand.

Enjolras stared at Marius's hand for a moment before taking it skeptically. They shook and Éponine could feel the air fill with tension.

"So you here to see Éponine off? Like the big scary overprotective brother?" Asked Marius with a small chuckle.

Enjolras's face made no indication at laughing along with Marius's joke, "I guess so" he said sternly.

Éponine saw the smile slip off of Marius's face and was replaced with a look of surprise and anger. Éponine clapped her hands, "Ok, Enjolras I'll see you later and we can finished our conversation then. Come on Marius, lets go" she said grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door. Once they were out the door Éponine felt like she could finally breath again.

Marius let out a laugh, "Is Enjolras always this intense and protective. I mean I knew he was protective of you but I just didn't expect him to bother you when we went out".

Éponine sighed, Marius was right. Enjolras had always been protective of her for as long as she could remember, but she never thought he would try to get in the way of what made her happy. She pushed those feelings aside and squeezed Marius's hand as they approached his car, "Lets not let that bother us tonight. We can have fun on our own" she said trying to put a smile on her face.

Marius nodded and they both climbed into the car, "Alright Ms. Éponine lets have an amazing night" he said with a smile starting the engine and pulling out of the driveway.

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