Chapter 15

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After Musichetta dropped Joly off at his house Éponine transitioned into the front seat. She sat down next to Musichetta barely able to conceal her excitement.

Musichetta cleared her throat, "Ok, so what kind of date are you two lovebirds planning to go on tonight?"

"He said dinner and a movie" she said.

Musichetta smiled, "Ah the classic first date".

"Is that bad?" Éponine asked.

Musichetta shook her was, "No of course not! He just wants to spend time with you and both are very intimate. You can see how easily you can talk to each other. I didn't know if I wanted to date Joly at first because I knew my parents wouldn't approve of him but after the first date I knew I wanted to date him. And now here we are 2 years later!" She said happily.

Éponine had always longed for a relationship like Musichetta and Joly's. They loved each other despite their differences. Musichetta's parents didn't approve of him even now though. They are worried that he wouldn't be able to support Musichetta because he wasn't filthy rich like they were. However Musichetta didn't care and she fought her parents practically everyday about it. She wanted to have a bond with someone despite all the obstacles that stood in their way.

Finally they reached the house and Éponine saw Enjolras's car already parked in the driveway. She felt her stomach knot but she quickly pushed it aside. Enjolras would not ruin her night by making her feel guilty. She quickly hopped out of Musichetta's car and dragged her into the house. Éponine bounded up the stairs and was almost to her room when she crashed into Enjolras. She inwardly groaned as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Hey Ép, sorry. Are you alright?" He asked reaching out for her shoulder.

She flinched back and smiled widely to him, "Yup I'm fine. Bye now" she said trying to cut around him.

However he grabbed her arm, "Éponine please we need to talk" he pleaded.

Éponine tried to pull her arm away, "Not now Enjolras, I have to get ready".

His grip tightened slightly, "Please Éponine at least let me apologize" he said.

Éponine sighed, "Fine".

His grip loosened and he looked into her eye, "Éponine I'm sorry for storming out at lunch today. It's just-" he began.

Éponine saw Musichetta reach the top of the stairs and she interrupted Enjolras, "Don't worry you're forgiven, now I have to go so, I'll see you later. Come on Chetta" she said pulling forcefully out of Enjolras's grip and dashing into her room. She ran to her closet and busied herself with throwing clothes onto her bed. She heard the whispers of Musichetta and Enjolras and saw Chetta place her hand comfortingly on Enjolras's shoulder before leaving and walking into Éponine's room. "Hey can you close the door behind-" she began.

"What's your problem Éponine?" Asked Musichetta.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Éponine confused.

"Oh you know the way you totally blew Enjolras off in the hallway when he was trying to give you an explanation" she said angrily.

Éponine whirled around, "I didn't want to hear his explanation because I know it will ruin my whole night. He will make me feel guilty about going out with Marius and I don't need that tonight. Okay?" She huffed angrily.

"Fine" said Musichetta holding up her hands in surrender, "but you need to talk to him. Let him explain himself. He deserves that" she said indicating the end of that discussion. Musichetta walked over to the bed and looked over the clothes. She began to search through it and finally she began to talk, "On a date like this you don't really have to look extremely fancy but you want to look nice. I would suggest a nice shirt and leggings maybe. Or you could do a nice dress. Like it depends on what you want to wear really" she said smiling up at Éponine.

Éponine smiled back and scanned the clothes on her bed. She picked up a shirt that she had never worn, it still had the tags on it, and held it up to herself. It was a nice shirt but it was never her style and she couldn't see herself wearing it, until now. Musichetta smile and nodded at her choice and Éponine immediately felt herself perk up.

She quickly got dressed and when she was done she turned to Musichetta who nodded with approval. Éponine smiled and sat down at the vanity. She began to do her makeup but heard Musichetta tsk behind her. She turned and saw her shaking her head, "Allow me" she said and before Éponine knew it Musichetta had done her makeup and given her a single French braid down her back. She looked at herself in shock. She looked beautiful. She smiled widely to Musichetta "Thank you so much!"

Musichetta flipped her hair playfully, "Well you're welcome".

Éponine checked the clock. It was about 5:30. A half an hour until he comes. A half an hour until her magical night begins.

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