Chapter 22

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Weeks passed since the incident and Éponine's face had fully healed. As far as anyone knew she had gone out for a late night walk and tripped over a raised stone in the sidewalk. She could tell that some people didn't believe her but after the swelling went down she was easily able to cover her bruises and no one noticed.

Enjolras had continued to try to question her but she ignored it. She couldn't risk Marius seeing them talking or getting suspicious. So she avoided Enjolras as best she could. She continued to grow farther and farther away from her friends because they still all sided with Enjolras. Musichetta's betrayal, as Éponine saw it, hurt her the most. She thought they would be best friends forever. Éponine was supportive when she started dating Joly. She didn't totally abandon her.

It was a Saturday afternoon and Éponine was planning on spending the evening with Marius. She was working on picking out an outfit when she heard her phone ring. It was Musichetta. Éponine felt her heart soar and then sink, if she was calling Éponine after weeks of not speaking to her something had to be wrong. It probably had something to do with Marius and her relationship with him. Éponine sighed and picked up the phone. "Hello?" She asked.

"Éponine?" She heard Musichetta whimper. She was crying, hysterically.

Éponine could hear Chetta's shallow breaths coming from the phone. "Oh my gosh Chetta what's wrong?" Éponine asked worriedly, Chetta never cried. Never.

"Can you-can you please come over. I can't say this on the phone" she blurted out before the sobs continued.

"Yes of course. Ill be over in five" Éponine said quickly and was about to hang up when she heard Musichetta whisper, "Just you please, don't bring Marius. I just need to talk to you. Éponine I need you" she rambled.

Éponine shushed her soothingly, "Alright Chetta I'll cancel my plans. I will be there soon". She said.

"Thank you" Chetta whimpered once again before hanging up.

Éponine immediately dialed Marius's number. He picked up on the second ring, "Hello beautiful I'm very excited for our date tonight" he said in cheerful greeting.

Éponine sighed, "Marius, I'm going to need to reschedule that date. An emergency just showed up and I'm not going to be able to do it tonight" she said sadly. She held her breath and waited for his response.

"What kind of an emergency. Éponine do you need my help?" He asked urgently.

Éponine smiled at his worried tone, "No I'm fine. Chetta just called hysterical. She needs me right now" she said.

She heard Marius grumble, "Why do you want to help her? She's been ignoring you for the past month and a half. I've been there for you Éponine when she haven't" he said angrily.

"Marius please. She was sobbing and she never cries. Something is really wrong. I'm sorry but I need to go over there" she said.

"Fine" said Marius and the line went dead.

Éponine sighed sadly. Now she had two problems. She took a deep breath and threw her phone into her pocket. She raced down the stairs and grabbed the keys before driving the car towards Musichetta's house.

She pulled into the driveway and went around to the back of the house. Éponine never went through the front entrance of Musichetta's grand estate, it was too formal for anyone except her parents. She found the spare key and opened the back door before dashing up the stairs.

She found the door to Chetta's room closed. She knocked softly, "Chetta? It's me can I come in" and before she had even finished her phrase Chetta had opened the door and threw her arms around Éponine.

She sobbed into Éponine's shoulder and muttered incoherent sentences. "I told him. He-he ran. He doesn't want it. He's leaving me" she cried loudly.

Éponine rubbed her back and walked her into her room and towards her large king size bed. The floor was covered in tissues and Éponine sat Musichetta down. "Take a deep breath. What's wrong" Éponine asked.

Musichetta looked up. Her mascara was running down her face and her eyes were red and puffy. Her chest was rising and falling quickly and Éponine could tell Musichetta was trying to calm down. "Éponine. I'm pregnant".

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