Made my Day

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Cassidy p.o.v.

In first period everyone was either laughing or looking at me.

"so are you sure you dont wanna wash off?" Ayden said and I just nodded at him.

"so tell me about yourself" he asked.

"besides the fact that I have a pyscho barbie bully behind my back" I said and he chuckled while nodding.

"well im great at math, my lil bro has lung cancer, and I live with a lot kids" I said.

"where do you live at?" he said.

"um... a shelter" I said.

"really thats so cool" he said and I was surprised. A note was passed to Ayden right after that and he just crushed it up and threw it back.

"i. dont. like. you" he said to one of Jocelyn friends.

"hey" I said to him.

"what shes been sending me a lot of notes" he said and I got annoyed by him.

"atleast tell her your not interested" I mumbled. So he got up and went to the girl.

"im sorry I didnt mean to be rude, but im just not interested" he said kissing her hand. I kinda got jealous at the kissing part.

He turned around where I was and mouth "happy" to me and I said Nope.

"what can make the green messy princess happy" he said and I smiled evily.

"fine" he said and I put some of the green stuff that was on me on his clothes and his face.

"now your a green messy prince" I said.

"naw, more like a green monster who's gonna attack you right about now" he said and the bell ring right away so I got up really quick and ran out the classroom.

"Cassy!!" he yelled in the hallway but I didn't pay no mind. I was running for my life until I was knock down by the green monster.

"I got you" he said picking me up from the ground.

"can you give me a piggy back ride?" I ask and he nodded so I went on his back.

" you weigh nothing" he said and I felt affended but didn't say nothing.

"what are you doing with my babe?" Nico said serious so Ayden and I froze for a minute.

" giving the green messy princess a piggy back ride" Ayden said and I nodded.

"well princess times over, its your boyfriend turn" so I just shrugged and went on his back. I didn't feel tingles or nothing with Nico.

I yawned really loud and rested my head on his back, looking at Ayden. He started making the weirdest faces ever and impressions of people so I laughed at him.

"your laugh is cute" Nico said catching me off guard.

"no it isn't, its manly" I said with a deep voice at the word manly, Ayden laughed.

"do you wanna come over our house today, Cass?" he said.

"I can't I haft to get to my bro after school" I said.

"we can pick him up" Ayden said and I smiled at him saying okay.

____pic of Ayden____

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