Money Solutions

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Aydens p.o.v.

I came back home at midnight from a run.

"where were you??" my Titi Leyla said scaring the crap out of me.

"just went for a run" I said.

"just a run" she said coming up to me she pushed my hoodie back and saw the bruise I had in my cheek and cut I had on my bottom lip.

"its just a bruise" I said but she didnt buy it.

"baby you gotta stop fighting on the streets" she said with her big blue puppy eyes watery.

"well how are we gonna afford the house and the Pet shop" I said and saw a tear escape her eye.

"here I made two hundred dollars,good night" I said putting the money on the table.

"good night" she said and I bend down so she can kiss my forehead and went up to bed.

I threw myself on the bed.


The next morning I woke up to some loud music playing from downstairs.

So I got up threw on some jeans and a v neck shirt and went downstairs to my aunt and my mom cleaning.

"well look whos up" Titi leyla said and my mom turned to look at me. I saw bags under her eyes so I went up to her and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"guess what you missed yesterday" she said like a teenager.

"what??" I said.

"another food fight and some great news" she said.

"cool and the news from yesterday are..." I said with a news reporter voice.

"im pregnant" she said and my jaw dropped. My 45 year old mom is carrying a baby.

"say something" she said pushing me out of my thoughts.

"thats great" I said then took out an oreo pack from the cabinet and took four out.

"hey those are my oreos" Titi leyla said and I smiled at her innocently. I grabbed the whole pack and was gonna run off with it but Ashley came in and jump on me so I landed on the floor.

"My oreos" she said grabbing the pack and grabbed the oreos I had and put them away. She got a bowl of cocoa puffs out so I put my puppy face on.

"no" she said and took a bite out of her cereal.

"just one spoon" I said and she put her cereal bowl out for me. I grabbed it and started eating it so she started smacking me. i gave it back to her and she gave me one of her famous death glares. I went upstairs to find my 17 yr old sister in my room.

"what do you want Arianna??" I said.

"can we play basketball outside" she said and I nodded.

Later on after the game I carryed my sister like a little pwincess to her room because she won the game and we made a bet.

"everybody in the living room" my aunt said like a sargeant at military base boot camp so I ran out the room.

"yes, Sir" I said and saluted her. ten minutes later everyone was in the living room.

"you guys all know that we are on the line of losing the house and the Pet shop" she said.

"yes Sir" I said while the rest just nodded.

"we need to come up with a plan to make money" she said.

"we can dance for money" Ashley said and we all nodded. We are all good in dancing.

"anything else" she said looking at me but I just shrugged.

"okay dancing it is, practice room at 12 noon" she said so we all got up and started our day.

------------------------------------------------------------------ pic of Ashley

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