Lost and Found Part 2

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Life slowly opened her eyes to find somebody gently shaking her. The full brunt of her situation hit her as she remembered what had happened earlier, the memory slapping her in the face like a brick wall, and she screamed, startling the person standing by her bed.

"Who are you?" she asked, voice shaking, putting her hands up to protect herself, no matter how fruitless.

The person wasn't very friendly-looking for they had a white mask, like that of what you would see in a theatre, that covered their face. Apart from the mask, Life could see that the person had long, dark hair that was tied back in a braid. The person looked to have the build of a female, and was wearing a pale green dress that fell down to her ankles. She wasn't wearing any shoes, her pale toes peeking out from a lush carpet.

"Don't think too much of me," the mystery person said, voice high and melodic. "I was given orders to wake you up. The master would like to meet you today, and you I am to escort you to him in an hour. Until then, you are free to do as you would like. May I treat you to some breakfast? Perhaps a bath? Some more books?"

Life shook her head, not in the mood to do anything. "Do you know why I'm here or where I am?"

The person only shook her head, dark locks of hair loosening from her braid, and said, "I apologize, but I am not allowed to tell you anything, though I'm sure that the master will answer all of your questions when you meet him soon."

"Okay," Life said, a bit crestfallen.

For the next hour, Life passed time by reading the book she had found a few days earlier, which had proved to be quite interesting. It was about a young girl with powers who met a small rebel group with people around her age who also wielded magic. The main character had ended up falling in love with the dark and brooding leader of the rebels, and Life couldn't help but compare the young girl and her love interest to herself and Death. She smiled slightly, sighing.

Exactly an hour after talking to the person whose name she still didn't know, the mystery person tapped Life on the shoulder, scaring her, and said, "It is time to see the master now."

Without waiting for a response, the mystery person grabbed Life's wrist and teleported them to a different room. This new room was completely bare except for one door. "Go through the door," she ordered Life, and Life, with no other choice, padded through the door, noticing that her own feet were also without shoes.

On the other side was a room just as bare as the one before it, except that the room Life was standing in was considerably smaller. She stood there for a few minutes, tapping her foot against the ground impatiently, eager but slightly frightened to meet her captor, when the ground beneath her suddenly disappeared. Startled, Life screamed as she fell through the air, and stopped abruptly when she hit something solid. Looking around, she seemed to be in a cage of some sort that was very high off the ground, for she could not see the bottom of the cavernous chamber. Life wasn't one who was well-disposed towards heights, and sighed of relief when she noticed the cage was being lowered. When she was about two feet off the ground, a ground that was a lot closer than expected for it was midnight black, the cage stopped. Life hung there for another few minutes before she heard mechanical whirring and saw a hole open up in the ground not too far ahead of her. The hole produced a chair that dramatically came up from the ground, and in the chair was a man. He wore plain clothes and white framed glasses, and was preoccupied with measuring and cutting a thread. When he noticed that he had a spectator, he laughed somewhat sheepishly to himself, tilting back his head as browned hair fell of his brow, shoving the thread behind him. He took a moment to regain his composure, and once he did, he smiled brightly.

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