Peter: Part 2

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A black and blonde haired girl walked out of the music room and through the door, she heard the notes of a unhappy melody, flying over her head and into the halls. Mesmerized as she always was, she stood in the doorway, watching him. Back turned to her Peter didn't notice her as he played like the professional he was. From the music, she knew he was embarrassed to be seen as weak in front of her. Angry at himself for choosing humanity over his predatory nature, the song shifted from melancholia to rage. No one dared to walk in here to bull him, this was Peter’s little world. His kingdom. And she listened as her vampire told his story in song, with every key her mind conjured a new picture of him.

The music stopped but Peter didn't turn around or speak. She wouldn't give him that chance.

“Why?” she dropped down next to him holding his face. “Why do you let them do this to you?!” she almost screamed at him. Her heart was crafted for Peter, every vein and artery under her skin was his. Peter till this day didn't understand this. “Do you think I like seeing you hurt by those idiots?”

“I don't care.” came his feeble reply which came like a short, swift, stab to the chest. Her expression looked as if indeed she'd just taken a knife to the heart. The disbelief, pain and even rage. She wished he were like his brother, where no one took advantage of him and bullied him. Drogo commanded respect, Peter commanded belittlement. “You'll leave too.”

“You don't care huh?” channeling her fury into a low voice. “Well I care. I care about the love I had for you. I care about all of our memories and I care about the time I wasted on you. I could have been with someone who actually cared.” She didn't have the strength of a vampire but Peter stiffened at her quiet unwavering voice.

The piano keys churned out sour notes. It was his turn to look hurt as if he couldn't believe it. Peter looked as if he wanted to weep, eyes lowered the only thing missing were his tears. Perhaps it hurt to think he meant something to her only to hear he wasn't worth her time.

But she didn't care. He left her alone in that manor till her bed turned into a lake without a second thought. He wasn't willing to fight for their relationship then she wasn't going to either. Her heart told her no but her mind said yes. “Not today. You aren't playing that game with me.”

Getting up she was determined to walk away, ride out those emotions and maybe even move out of the manor. She didn't have many possessions so leaving wouldn't take long. Sarah offered her a place to stay so there was that.

But her wrist was held back. Whipping around, “Let me go!” she seethed. Peter still sat on the bench refusing to listen.

“Do you do still want me?”

She said nothing but he never let go. Thinking of what to say, she mumbled.

“Do you even care anymore?”

“I do.”

She hesitated “Yes Peter. I want you. I want our relationship. I don't want to be left like that night!”

“A creature like me doesn't deserve to be by your side.”

“Peter. You may be a vampire but you're more sweet and kind than any human I've seen at Mystery Spell. You're a good person nothing like what people make you out to be. I won't listen to them!” she admired his strong body. How could someone who could snap a piano in half be so soft for a mortal?

“I can't live like this...without you. I tell myself I'm fine and once you're safe that’s what matters but I'm lying to myself.” Peter clung to her, hands slipping beneath her skirt, massaging her other lips through her panties. Biting into his sweater she stifled her pleasured sighs. “I haven't done this in a while...but I'd's been hard approaching women. They think I'm weird, they don't like me yet you…” his voice broke. “You let me wanted to see me, my past, you wanted to help me..I feel so much things, good things for you.”

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