~44~ Nightmare

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Trystan's P.O.V.

I couldn't breathe. My skin was burning, everything hurt. My feet kicked through the water, desperately trying to hit something, anything, that would make me feel like there was hope out there. Hope for me to survive. Because right now, I felt like the angel of death personally was trying to come and get me.

While the water was swallowing me more and more, my thoughts wandered off to where this mess had started. The only problem was, that I couldn't even remember where it had.

Flickers of ocean-blue eyes appeared in my mind. Flickers of high waves, dark nights and a huge rock in the middle of it all. I couldn't quite make sense of anything. Who did these eyes belong to? And why did the image of them come along with a heavy sadness creeping up inside of my chest?

So lost in my thoughts and with a numbness slowly spreading through my feet and up my legs, I didn't even realize how close to the surface I was.


A loud voice, coming from far, far away was shouting my name.

"Trystan, wake up!"

Wait, what?!

I looked down my body at my legs. They looked so pale in the dim water, that I caught myself wondering where my tan had gone. Was this really just a dream? Or was someone trying to trick me into thinking that?

But before I could even begin to collect my thoughts on that, something slapped my cheek so hard that I abruptly opened my eyes.

I found myself lying flat in my own bed, a pair of worried green eyes staring down at me. They seemed oddly familiar.

I opened my mouth, trying to say something or ask this stranger what he was doing in my bedroom and why the f*ck he had literally slapped me awake, but somehow, I just couldn't.

"Jeez, Eleazar would kill me if he knew that I'd slapped you." The guy said, a smirk appearing on his full lips. He was strikingly pretty for a man. His dark brown hair was slicked back and high cheekbones were framing a small, straight nose and his now smirking lips.

"When you're done staring, I'd like to get to the part where we talk about our plan." He went on, making a clicking sound with his mouth while winking.

"Who the hell are you?!" I finally managed to burst out, my voice sounding somewhat similar to a chainsmokers.

"Aww, come on Trystan, you don't remember me and our little adventure?" The guy shook his head, an exaggerrated melancholic expression on his face.

"I guess they did their work well, huh?" He let out a bitter laughter.

"What are you talking about? Who are you?! And where is Keith? Why am I in bed?"

"The name's Ovicto. Or Victor, since I'm in legs."

"Excuse me?!" Victor or Ovicto or whoever he was snorted, apparently at my weirded out facial expression. Could anyone blame me, though? What was happening here?

The door opened and my best friend strolled in, a cup of coffee in his hands, looking totally unimpressed at the complete stranger in my bedroom.

"Morning, Vic."


"Keith!" I said, a wave of relief washing over me. At least I knew that I wasn't on my own now. Or had been kidnapped in my own room.

"Did he have another nightmare?" Keith asked, not even looking at me. He took a sip from his cup.

"Yeah." The intruder replied and pressed his lips together. "I don't think they'll stop anytime soon. Being exposed to that much water while under an aqua-venenum spell is pretty traumatizing I'd say."

My tired brain finally gave up on trying to understand what was going on here. I slowly blinked a couple of times, looking back and forth between my best friend and this weird stranger, secretly hoping that this would turn out to be a dream after all. All of this.

Keith was now finally looking back at me, a worried expression on his face.

"Can someone please just tell what is going on?" I groaned, rubbing my forehead with my hand.

"Trys.." Keith began, placing his coffee cup on my night stand. He sat down on the bed.

"Do you remember when we went surfing that one morning two weeks ago?"

I shrugged. We went surfing all the time.

"Anyways, you went into the water and then, out of nowhere, started screaming like the devil in person was torturing you or something. I tried to get to you, but there was like a weird current and you were being pulled further and further away. If it hadn't been for Victor here, you would have probably been dead."

I swallowed. It sounded just like my nightmare.

"But why did the water hurt so much?" I asked, still not quite being able to make sense of anything.

"This might sound really hard to believe, Trystan, but you're under a spell." Victor said while crossing his arms.

I raised one eyebrow. "Right."
I reached out my hand to take Keith's coffee cup. I needed caffeine.

"No, it's true!" Keith spoke up again. "When you woke up after Victor saved you that day, we already told you all of this, but every time you fall asleep, you forget everything over and over again. Just like you keep having nightmares over and over again. And you slept alot during these last weeks. But today is different. Today we need to save someone. Today you're gonna remember everything."

Had my best friend gone insane? Had this intruder slithered into our apartment and infected Keith with his creepy thoughts and ideas? Has this Victor guy been giving us both drugs?!

"Remember what exactly?" I asked, still staring at Keith, praying that he would burst out laughing and telling me this was all just a joke. I took a sip of coffee.

Keith shot Victor a questioning look.

The intruder nodded.

My best friend took a deep breath, then he got up from my bed, reached into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out his phone.

He turned the screen around, there was a picture on it. It didn't take me long to realize what was on it.
Ocean eyes.


And that was my cue to spill the coffee over my entire bed.

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