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She fumed, "oh how nice. I'll just go get ready then!"

"If you want to."

"BUT I WON'T," she screeched, angry, "I AM GOING BACK TO SLEEP, WHERE I BELONG," she wailed a little.

He said pleasantly, "perfect."

She blinked. Several times. "What?" She said stupidly.

He came in, closing the door being him. He paused, tucking away a stray strand of Juliet's hair, and proceeded to walk into the kitchen and said, "go back to sleep," he instructed. "I'm making you lunch. Sleep until nine, if you want," he continued, "and you'll have food ready. I'll cook, water your plants, maybe ready the couch for a movie later, and read something." He started taking out the ingredients.

Juliet blinked. Muttered, "Ok...?" She gave him a weird look.

Alex paused. Turned. "Why are you still standing there?"

"Fine. Jeez," she mumbled, waddling back to the bedroom. Typhon didn't give a shit as he opened his eyes briefly and then went back to sleep.

"Sleep well," he said cheerfully.

What the fuck? she thought.


She was currently in a restaurant having dinner with her boyfriend.

She had slept until ten. Woke up drowsily and took a bath, wearing some fresh simple clothes. She was greeted by a warm, amazing lunch. Cheesy spaghetti.

Then they watched Venom, where Juliet kept muttering under her breath about look at all of that damaged property and reckless asshole and good that she left him, I would've. Afterwards, they played cards. Then they went out for a walk.

Then he drove her to the mall, and bought her three books. She had nearly cried with glee, like a little child on Christmas. They took dozens of pictures together at a booth. Then he took her to the museum, where instead of looking at the artefacts, they shared random kisses and secretly made out in the washrooms when no one was looking.

Then, they came back to Carlton, where they changed their clothes to something slightly more fancy.

Alex came in jeans, a rolling stones t-shirt, a leather jacket, and simple sneakers, his black hair combed back nearly, his dark framed glasses in place. Juliet's eyebrows had shot up to the sky.

She was dressed in a snug orange-ish yellow dress with a bare back. It was just above her knees, and she paired it with red heels, no earrings or accessories of any sort, except a simple thin black watch.

Her honey coloured hair was till her shoulders. It had grown a little, she noticed. But she didn't mind this time. She was going to let it grow long again.

He had grinned when he saw her. "You look like a sun goddess going on an expensive picnic."

She had laughed, kissing his cheek and leaning into him. "You're sweet," she had murmured against his cheek. He held her hand.

And now here they were, eating pasta and arguing about whether space expeditions were necessary or not. Juliet was against it, Alex was for it.

After Juliet had just snarled some unfortunately good points at him, he sighed sharply, "fine. You win. Can we finish our dinner in peace now?"

"I'm not going to win like this," she had hissed, "I want to defeat you, not make you give up."

He had gaped incredulously. "And how do we accomplish that?"

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