New York Here We Come

Start from the beginning

Slade P.O.V.

"Are you resting your eyes" I ask "yes I am" said Kylie "does this mean we are sleeping here" I ask "no I don't want my back to hurt tomorrow we should go" said Kylie. We get up and walk down the ladder "Lucy I'm going to bed can I get my PJs" ask Kylie "yeah love come in" said Lucy she goes in and comes out "why are you so scared to go in her room you usually just go in like if its your own" I said she just walk in to my room "Kylie what are you not telling me" I ask "its nothing this morning I go into the room like I always do and turn on the light and I saw Tyler naked I close my eyes so quick it would of give you whiplash" said Kylie red in the face "really" I said "yes I swear to god I was more embarrass then Tyler and he's my buttercup and I'm his cupcake" said Kylie "its ok you will live" I said laughing "shut up its not funny" said Kylie hitting me "don't you think you should take your clothes back and bring it here since you are sleeping here" I said. "I mean if you want to you can I'm too lazy" said Kylie I roll my eyes. I go to Lucys room and knock on the door "come in" said Lucy "coming for Kylie's clothes" I said "she told you" ask Tyler I nod "hey I didn't mean it" said Tyler I laugh I grab Kylies things and go back to my room to see Kylie under the covers watching tv. "comfortable" I said "yes very do you want to join and make it warm for me" said Kylie I take off my shirt and pants now I'm only in my boxer "here I come to warm you up" I  said "you are gross" said Kylie I cuddle up to her "you're freezing why are so cold" I ask "because its so cold here and did you just drop my things on the floor" ask Kylie "I'll clean it up in the morning, but I can't right now I'm to comfortable" I said snuggling into her "whatever you're so warm I can't let you leave" said Kylie I love the smell of her hair and the way her head lays on my chest. 'Dear Diary I think my dick fell off because I'm so whipped' said Ryder 'shut up if I'm whipped then so are you' I said 'dear diary Slade is being a dick to me I think I'm going to go cry in a corner' said Ryder 'I hate you' I said 'diary slade just said he hates me I'm going to cry' said Ryder "Kylie, Ryder is being mean to me I think you should talk to him" I said "maybe if you aren't mean to him maybe he won't be mean to you back" said Kylie "whatever talk to him" I said I let Ryder take over to talk to Kylie "hi cutie" said Ryder "hi why is Slade being mean to you" ask Kylie "I said he is whipped and then he snap at me for no reason" said Ryder I'm going to kill you "I'll talk to him anyways how have you been" ask Kylie "I've been good I've miss you" said Ryder "aw maybe tomorrow I'll tell Slade to let you out and we can go out to the wood I need a good walk out since this whole mess" said Kylie "hm yeah I love a good walk" said Ryder 'dear diary Ryder thinks he is part dog and wants to be out for walkie' I said "how is everything" ask Ryder where is this crazy ass wolf going with this "honest truth its ok, but I'm kind of scared about everything its just so scary and everything I can do is even more scary or more like freaking a year ago I was planning for college now I'm planning for when the next attack is going to be this is to much for me and for everyone else its not fair that I'm the way I am, and its not fair everyone to go through this with me" said Kylie "you're not forcing them they are doing this on their own they want to see you safe everyone does you can fight with them all day, but they will alway be by your side fighting off who ever and whenever is coming to get you" said Ryder "this is why I love you" said Kylie "I love you too cutie" said Ryder she gave us a hug or him a hug or maybe its me a hug I don't understand this "is there anything else you want to talk to me about" ask Ryder "no I think I'm good if you don't mind can you let Slade back in" ask Kylie "you guys talk why did you take his side over mine" I ask "look you are a meanie to him hes a sweetheart you can learn a lot from him" said Kylie "oh god lord thats mess up coming from you" I said she shrug.

Kylie P.O.V.

I woke up to the smell of waffles I ran down the stairs "who's making waffles" I yell "I am cutie pie" said Alec "you can cook" I ask "yeah there are things you don't know about me" said Alec I nod. "I smell waffles" said Lucy "Alec is making waffles" I said "he can cook you can cook" ask Lucy "yes is it that surprising that I can cook" said Alec "yes, yes it is" I said. "OK then I'll take it" said Alec "is today packing day" ask Tyler "yes it is I'm going to my house to get the tickets from dad" I said "I'll  come with you" said Alec I nod "I think we should get going now so we can beat traffic" I said I ran up stairs to change Slade was still in bed "where are you going" ask  Slade "to my house to get the tickets and my suitcase" I said. "Oh ok does this mean we are packing today" ask Slade "yes there is waffles downstairs and I'm going with Alec" I said running back downstairs "ready to go" I said "yes, but what car are we taking both the cars you have are in the shop" ask Alec "not both of them the Audi came out early so I have it man ready to ride" I said "oh yeah" said Alec. We get in the car and speed I mean I drove safely to my house "fast and furious ain't got nothing on you" said Alec "oh yeah" I said I pull into my drive way dads home "dad I'm home" I said "hey beautiful" said Dad I hug him "I miss you when are you coming home" said Dad "soon I'll talk to Vinny to see if its safe" I said "good I got the tickets for the plane we have to be there at 5am then we leave at 7 so be there are be square" said Dad "ugh does anyone not know what sleep is" I said "hey we are going without any stops so 42 hours long you are probably going to be sleeping most of it" said Dad "I got us first class so you have your own bed for the ride" said Dad "I love you I'm going to get my suitcase" I said I walk up the stairs to my room. I walk to my room to grab my suitcase "Alec did you get your suitcase" I ask walking to his room "hey love who is going to take care of Shadow" ask Alec pulling his suitcase from the closest "Slade's parent I ask them already they agree to watch him and to make sure his take his pills. This is going to be the longest I been away from him, but he doesn't like the cold very much meaning snow" I said "true do you have everything" ask Alec "yup lets go see what dad is doing then we can go" I said we walk down the stair to the kitchen where dad is talking on the phone. "Daddy-o whatcha doing" I ask "business call" he mouth I nod I send him a air kiss and air hug we quietly walk out the house "you hungry I'm hungry lets eat some food" I said "sure what do you want I'm good for anything" said Alec "I want nachos lets go get nachos" I said "are you ok Kylie" ask Alec "yeah why do I not seem all right" I said "yes" said Alec "I just miss him I want to see him again, but I know its not safe at the moment maybe Slade can probably post out front and you will be with me" I said "you can talk to Vinny about this and maybe Slade I think they will both be ok with it he is your father, now lets get some damn nachos" said Alec. You can always count on Alec to put things in perspective, we got the nachos and some for Lucy "I can't believe you got extra jalapeños on both of yours and Lucy's nachos your ass is going to be on fire" said Alec I laugh out loud we drove back to Slade's house with food on the brain "I'm home and we have nachos" I said Lucy runs down the stairs "did you say nachos" said Lucy "yup and extra jalapeños" I said she ran to the kitchen to get her nachos I grab my nachos before she goes crazy and ran upstairs to Slade's room "hi I have nachos my suitcases and Alecs in the car can you get it" I ask stuffing a chip in my mouth "sure you're lucky I love you" said Slade he went to get our suitcases. I love nachos mhm nachos "alright I have your suitcase and is that nachos" ask Slade "my nachos it has jalapeños you don't like them so mine" I said he crawls up on the bed "I'll take the spicy as long I have some nachos" said Slade "you need to pack your bag" I said "so do you" said Slade he has a point "ok fine you can some" I said. After we finish eating my nachos "Lucy make sure you pack now we have to get up at five" I yell "ah does no one know what sleeps mean" ask Lucy I shrug "pass me my suitcase" I ask Slade he give me my bag I go to my pile of clothes that Slade has yet to pick up. I start to packing my suitcase with everything I need "Lucy are you bringing your make up" I yell "yes" yell Lucy "ok" I said "Slade pack your stuff" I said "alright" said Slade "oh and bring your shampoo and stuff" I said "ok are you that excited to go to New York" ask Slade "no I'm excited to see Jesse" I said I finish packing and I jump on the bed "I'm tired go bring me some chips" I said. "What am I your butler" said Slade "yes if it was Ryder he would do it" I said "oh shut up I'll get you your chips then you come with me to let Ryder out" said Slade I nod grab my shoes, go to the kitchen where I meet Slade with my chips "lets go" said Slade I grab my chips we walk outside toward the woods. "I'm going over there to take off my clothes" said Slade I wasn't listening I was eating my chips Ryder came out from the trees "ready" I ask he shakes his head yes. We walk through the woods to our secret meadow I love this meadow so much its just so peaceful I sat down while Ryder ran around the meadow I kept eating my chips their so good "hey are you hungry I have chips" I said he shake his head no "I have a question I need to ask you" I said he sat down in front of me "when we get back from New York can I move back to my dads I just miss him so much, just hear me out you can have patrol 24/7 at the house and Alec is asking Vinny if its a good idea I know you love me here, but I am still 17 years old an I need my dad sometimes he's my only family beside you and everyone else, but I never get to see him as offend as I want to" I said. Ryder just stares at me runs out of the meadow "you got to kidding me" I said I was about to get up when Slade came out of the woods "how can I talk to you in a wolf form you don't really have mind link with me" said Slade "ok what do you say can I" I ask "when Vinny said its ok then I'll say its ok as long as I get to see at night at your window" said Slade I jump with glee I jump right on top of him "thank you thank you thank you" I said giving him kisses all of his face. "Damn are you really that excited for this" ask Slade "super" I said getting off of him and laying next to him. "Kylie we need to go back we all have a early flight" said Slade. We walk back to the house in a comfortable silence I see Alec with Jay "hey did you ask Vinny" I ask "and hi Jay how's your stay been" I ask "fine thank you" said Jay "he said yes Jay was just dropping me off" said Alec I look him like hmm sure he was "ok well I'll see you later bye Kylie" said Jay I wave bye he leaves the house "you with me" I said grabbing him to Lucy's room "sorry Tyler, but we need to talk to Lucy" I said "alright" said Tyler he left the room I close the door "whats going on with you and Jay" I ask "nothing we are just friends Vinny pick me up and he was busy so Jay drop me off nothing much" said Alec "hmm sure should I'll call Jesse and cancel on the plan on who ever he has for you" I said "no maybe I don't know, Jay gives off this vibe, but I don't know if its just me" said Alec "I saw it too maybe when we get back we can ask him to help us move back to my place" I said "oh yes to see him all sweaty and hot I think I might love this idea" said Alec. "Ha so you do like him" I said "I don't know what you're talking about" said Alec I smirk we go our own way I go to Slade room to get my nap in before we have to go to the airport. "Are you going to take a nap" ask Slade "yes I am wake me up at 4 to get ready and go" I said laying down like a starfish.

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