Chapter 23: Master of Darkness

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Geo and Sonia running down a hallway in the satillite. They both run into a large empty room.

?: That's far enough.

Both stop and begin to look around. Then in the center of the room Black Knight and White Witch appear.

Geo: Not you again.

Black Knight: I cannot allow you to go any further Raiju must be revived.

Sonia: Why do you want him to be revived so badely?

Black Knight: That's none of your buisness it's to accomplish our goals.

Geo: Well our goal is to stop you and we will not let this happen.

White Witch: Well then let us see who's goal will happen here.

Geo: Let's go Sonia.

Sonia: Right.

Black Knight runs forward at the two of them and tries to attack. Both of them dodge but White Witch tries to attack them.

White Witch: Light Arrow.

The attack heads directly for Geo.

Geo: Barrier X.

Geo's barrier surrounds him and stops her attack.

Geo: Mad Vulcan X.

Geo begins firing his attack at White Witch but Black Knight appears in front and guards.

Geo: Sword Fighter X.

Geo runs forward and attacks both of them but they dodge the attack. Geo turns and begins firing his attack at Black Knight again but Black Knight guards against it once more.

White Witch: Light A..

Sonia: Quick Strings.

Sonia catches White Witch just as she is about to attack Geo. Black Knight dashes towards Geo with his attack but Ge catches it with his blade then pushes away.

Black Knight: X-Slash.

Black Knight sends his attack at Geo and hits him causing a cloud of smoke to form around him. Black Knight rushes forward and tries to cut Geo but as the smoke clears Geo faces him with his hand now a cannon and shoots him head on.

White Witch: Brother.

White Witch breaks free from SWonia's attack then turns to face her.

White Witch: Light Beam.

The attack catches Sonia head on sending her flying backwards. Geo turns to see it and tries to run over but gets hit in the back by Black Knight knocking him to the ground.

Black Knight: Heh looks like we win.

Black Knight kicks Geo and sends him crashing into a wall.

White Witch: Looks like our will to see our goal come true was greater then yours.

Black Knight: Time to finish this.

Black Knight walks to Sonia then raises his swords.

Black Knight: Now then let's...

Black Knight stops and looks over to Geo.

White Witch: What is this.

Black Knight: Not this again.

Geo is engulfed by darkness then emerges with his wounds healed and in his Dark Knight form.

Black Knight: Stand back sister this is my fight.

White Witch: Yes brother.

Black Knight: Now then hero let us see who has the stronger dark power.

Both of them begin too fight filling the entire room with the sounds of swords clanging together. Sonia wakes up from the sound and looks over to see them.

Sonia: Not this again.

Black Knight and Geo continue to fight evenly matched.

Black Knight: Pretty good but this time it will be you who is going to lose then I will make you watch you friend over there die before I finish you off.

The moment Black Knight mentions that Geo's eyes widen and he starts to fight more wildly. The two continue too fight for about two minutes.

Black Knight: Damn why is he getting stronger.

The moment he says that Geo swings his sword at him with so much force that Black Knight loses his balance and falls backwards. Geo raises his sword then swings it in a downward arc. Black Knight closes his eyes and the sound of flesh being cut echos in the room.

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