Chapter 17: Rogue Vs Bass

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The two of them stood there staring each other down for a few minutes.

Bass: You sure you don't want to get your friends help your going to need it.

Rogue: Of course not I'm strong because I'm alone.

Bass: You are human you aren't strong either way.

Rogue: Well I guess we'll see. Laplace Blade.

He summons his Em being that becomes his sword then jumps towards Bass.

Bass: Dark Arm Blade.

The two collide and start to fight. After a minute the push away from each other.

Rogue: Blade Shockwave.

Bass: Hell's Rolling.

Both send their attacks out and they collide and make a small explosion.

Rogue: Rogue Break.

Rogue appears in front of bass and starts to attack with a multitude of kicks and punches.

Bass: Black Barrier.

All of Rogue's attacks hit the barrier but the last one breaks it.

Bass: Impressive but now. Burst Laser.

Bass shoots a beam of energy that Solo tries to dodge but it still hits him.

Solo: Blade Wrath.

Bass sees Laplace coming towards him but doesn't have time to dodge and it hits him twice. After both Solo appears in front of him.

Solo: Rogue Break.

Solo starts to attack but Bass vanishes before he can hit him.

Bass: Gospel Breath.

Bass shoots a large flame towards Solo.

Solo: Mu Rejection Barrier.

The flame engulfs Solo but he then emerges unharmed with Laplace in hand.

Bass: What?

Solo: Multi Slash.

Solo hits bass with his sword multiple times.


Geo: Will they be alright?

Doctor: Yeah only a few scratches the will heal fine.

A man runs into the room.

Man: Geo there seems to be two figures fighting out side since Ace is unable to can you check it out.

Geo: No problem.

Sonia: I'm coming too.

Tia: I'll stay here and watch them.

Geo: Ok thanks Tia lets go Sonia.

They both run out and see Bass and Solo fighting.

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