Chapter 20: Increasing Darkness

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Geo chasing Black Knight on the wave road.

Black Knight: So you really did choose to come after this girl instead of the data.

Geo: Give her back.

Black Knight: If your so willing to get her back why don't you answer me a question what is she to you if your willing to risk the lives of billions just to save her.

Geo: What well shes...

Geo Thinking: What is she to me. I feel...

Black Knight: No matter I'm sure my sister is far enough by now so here you go.

Black Knight drops Sonia(now human form) off of the wave road.

Geo: Sonia!

Geo jumps off of the wave road and catches her before she lands on the ground.

Black Knight: Aww I was hoping to watch her go splat but oh well time for me to be off.

Black Knight stops for a minute.

Black Knight: What is this feeling.

Black Knight looks down at Geo who is setting Sonia on the ground. Geo then stands up and is surrounded by darkness.

Black Knight: Interesting.

Geo is engulfed by the darkness then emerges in a suit of Black armor that resembles Black Knight's with the same white markings on it. He is holding a large two-handed sword in his right hand that is made of purple energy.

Geo: You will pay for all you have done.

Black Knight: Oh I see you feel so many negetive emotions now that the dark energy has token over your body.

Geo: I'll kill you!

Geo vanishes leaving a small cloud of dust where he was standing. After a couple seconds he appears right next to the Black Knight and swings a large downward arc at him. Black Knight raises both of his swords and catches the attack. Geo pulls his sword away and swing it at Black Knght's side. Black Knight jumps up and dodges the attack then starts to swing at Geo. Geo watches his movements and either block or dodges them all.

Black Knight: Impressive.

Geo: ...

As the two start to swing again after one of their attacks collide with each other Black Knight kicks Geo sending him stumbling backwards then runs at him with both swords ready. Geo blocks the attack then goes on the offensive by swinging his sword in multiple attacks back at the Black Knight who dodges them all. Geo sends a large overhead swing that Black Knight dodges. Black Knight retaliates by swinging both of his swords at Geo's side but Geo uses his own sword to dodge it by jumping on it and flipping behind Black knight. Geo kicks Black Knight on his back then sends a savage swing at him. Black Knight seeing the attack tries to dodge but is still hit on his side. The force of the attack stuns him giving Geo time to strike him with another strong swing. Black Knight clears his head then begins to try and attack Geo unsuccessfully. Both of them swing and their swords connect again. Black Knight then pushes back from the connection.

Black Knight: Pretty good Hero.

Geo: ...

Both of them start to run forward to attack again.


Sonia just waking up.

Sonia: Lyra What's going on?

Lyra: Black Knight attacked you from behind and knocked you out.

Sonia: Wait what where are we now?

Lyra: He forced Geo to choose between you and the data.

Sonia: Oh.

Lyra: He choose you but theres a problem now.

Sonia: What?

Lyra: Look up there.

Sonia wave changes then look up to see Geo and Black Knight fighting on the wave road.

Sonia: That's Geo isn't it but what happened.

Lyra: I'm not sure Black Knight said something about negetive emotions allowing the dark energy to take him over but they have been fighting for about 10 minutes now.

Sonia: Geo.


Black Knight: This isn't good I can't hold out much longer.

Geo: Die!

Geo swings a large attack at Black Knight who is too tired to block it or dodge.

?: Geo stop.

Geo stops in mid attack and looks down to see Sonia looking up at him with tears in her eyes.

Black Knight: Now's my chance.

Black Knight vanishes causing Geo to look back over. After noticing that he is gone Geo begins to go on a rampage. He appears on the ground then starts to attack anything he sees.(I didn't describe it but they are in a small forest area in the mountains so he's attacks trees, rocks etc) After a minuter he falls to his knees and is surrounded once more by dark energy. It disperces and reveales him in his human state he looks at his hands shaking.

Geo: I...I...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Geo falls to the ground out cold with tears streaming down his face.

-Dealer Base

Neutral: So we have lost Acantha, Raine and Flare oh well they servered their purpose we now have all the data to revive Raiju so let us begin preperations for his return.

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