Chapter 12: The Expo

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Geo standing as himself with a large EM being in the shape of a wolf made of yellow energy.

Geo: Where am I, who are you?

?: I am your worst enemy.

Geo: Are you Raiju?

Raiju: The same and trust me soon human you will feel my wrath.

A bolt of lightning strikes Geo.

Geo: Ahhh.

Geo wakes up in his room with sweat on his forhead.

Geo: A dream.

Mega: What's wrong kid?

Geo: Nothing Mega I'm going out for a walk.

Mega: It's late what about your parents?

Geo: I won't be long I just have to get some air.

geo gets dressed then walks out of the room leaving Mega there.

-Elementals Base

Raine, Flare, Black Knight and White Witch standing in the middle of the room. Neutral in a different room watching through a screen.

Neutral: Flare, Raine both of you wave change.

Raine: Transcode Hydro Act.

Flare: Transcode Inferno Fist.

Both of them wave change and continue to stand.

neutral: Now then let us raise your power. Starting amplifacation.

Four large glass cases rise from the floor each holding one of the four orbs they have gathered. Each orb starts to glow and a small beam of light is shot at the four people standing there. The four of their bodies start to glow.

Neutral: How do you all feel? Raine, Flare both of you will come with me and we're going to take out Megaman this time.

Both: Yes sir.

Neutral: Black Knight, White Witch both of you get to Yumland and gather the data.

Black Knight: Sir why both of us?

Neutral: Because I want you both to test out your skills.

Both: Yes sir.

All four of them walk out of the room leaving Neutral alone in the room. Neutral turns around and walks to his usual room. He walks in and sees a woman with brown haircovering half of her face.

Neutral: Ah I see you made it Terra.

Terra: What do you want me to do master Neutral?

Neutral: I want you to watch the place for a short while I'm going out for a couple days.

Terra: Yes master.

-Echo Ridge

Geo sitting by the Wicket stop.

Geo: Where is everyone?

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