Chapter 19: A Choice is made

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Jack: Wicked Flame.

Tempest Wing: Aero Blast.

The two attacks collide and make a small cloud of smoke. The two then start to fly into the sky.

Tempest Wing: Wind Claw.

He starts to head towards Jack with his attack.

Jack: Crow's Flight.

Jack heads towards Tempest Wing causing the two to crash and get sent backwards. The two continue using their attacks but end up with the same result.

Tempest Wing: Enough of these games. Tornado Shot.

Tempest Wing swings his wing and causes a small tornado to head right for Jack. Jack tries to dodge it but the attack hits him head on and sends him barreling towards the ground.

Tempest Wing: Now to finish it. Wind Claw.

Tempest Wing starts to fly towards Jack but Jack catches himself and dodges it just before he can make contact.

Jack: Wicked Flame.

Tempest Wing caught by surprise is hit with the attack.

Jack: Crow's Flight.

Tempest Wing: Wind Claw.

Both of them hit one another and start to free fall towards the ground.

Tempest Wing: Crap I'm not going like this.

He vanishes leaving Jack alone who crashes on the ground just before turning to his human form.


Solo: Murian Combat.

Inferno Fist: Raging Barrage.

Both send a rain of attacks at each other colliding with the others.

Solo: Blade Wrath.

Laplace appears and hits Inferno Fist twice from behind then vanishes and appears in Solo's hand.

Inferno Fist: Damn it. Fire Wave.

Inferno Fist hits the ground sending a large amount of fire heading straight for Solo.

Solo: Mu Barrier.

Solo's barrier appears around him just as Inferno Fist's attack surrounds him in fire. After a few seconds Solo emerges from the fire with Laplace in hand and heads straight for Inferno Fist.

Inferno Fist: Thats impossible my attack hit him head on.

Solo: You call that an attack pathetic. Laplace Slash.

Solo begins slashing at Inferno Fist with his sword but Inferno Fist dodges them all and jumjps backwards away from Solo.

Solo: Sword Shockwave.

Solo sends a blast of energy from his sword that takes Inferno Fist by surprice and hits him.

Solo: This is the end. Laplace Slash.

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