The big fight. Part 2 (Tronnor)

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I woke up with a headache, and sore limbs. I groaned out loud and tried to slowly move around, before realising what had happened the day before. My eyes snapped open, and I immediately saw that I was laying on the floor, next to the couch. I must've fallen off during the night, causing my muscles to ache so badly now. I was hit with a wave of nausea, when I sat up. I grabbed my head and tried to fight the pain off. My cheek still stung lightly from the slaps, and it was probably red. I stood up slowly, grabbing the couch when I wobbled. It was like I was hungover, which was not the case. To be honest, last night was sort of Troye's fault. I did have part in it, obviously, but he started this whole shit storm.

I probably shouldn't have come home so late without answers, but he had no reason to hit me and yell at me. I yelled back, though. That was the problem. I finally lost my cool, and just yelled at him. I regret it very much. I hadn't meant to hurt him with my words. I should have calmed him, talked to him, given him a massage, because he had such a bad day. I should have wiped his tears away, but I didn't. No, instead, I yelled at him. I yelled at my husband for almost three years, for the very first time. Of course we bickered sometimes, but we had always talked it out. I rubbed at my eyes, and ran a hand over my bare torso. I had stripped to my boxers before going to sleep, obviously. My clothes were now too smelly to use again, so this would have to do.

I sighed as I climbed up the stairs and to our bedroom. I opened the door quietly, and found him still laying in bed. I slowly walked over to the bed, and layed down next to him. His eyes were open, watching me quietly as I moved. I slipped my arms around his waist, and moved until our chests touched. His eyes fluttered closed, and his hands moved over my back gently. I studied his face for a few seconds, before also closing my eyes.

We lay there for ages, before Troye spoke up. "I'm sorry." He whispered, and I opened my eyes to see his filled with tears. A small smile slipped on my face, as I nodded my head. The moment felt fragile, small, and I didn't dare to raise my voice above a whisper. "I'm sorry, too." He nodded back, and I kissed him on the lips. It was an apology, and also forgiveness. The moment lasted for about a minute, just enough and not too much. When we pulled away, I just closed my eyes again.

I heard him taking a deep breath, like he was going to speak, but he released it after a few seconds and just cuddled further into my arms. "Do we have to talk about this, or can we just forget it?" His voice was mumbled, probably too embarrassed to speak out loud. I shrugged my shoulders lightly and started stroking his hair. "I guess we could just move on." I replied, not really bothered by the fight anymore. We were okay, that was all that mattered. He lifted his head to smile at me, "I really am sorry," he whispered. I just nodded again, leaning down to place another small kiss on his lips.

It quickly turned into something more heated. Troye rolled ontop of me, his lips attacking my neck. My hand was tugging at his hair lightly, and my head leaned back to give him more space. Soon enough, purple bruises were covering my neck. And he didn't stop there..

I'll leave the ending to your imagination;)

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