A car accident. (Tronnor)

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(Tronnor) (Troye Sivan x Connor Franta)

Prompt; oh my will you do a tronnor one shot of connor like getting seriously hurt in some way and Troye is like flipping out and all the other YouTubers go out and help both of them through it and it's just fluff

I hope this is what you wanted!

(I noticed that I always do Connor's P.O.V. in Tronnor One-Shots.. Gonna try Troye's now)

Troye's P.O.V.

I could feel the tears trickling down my face, as I was gasping for air. A whimper left my mouth as Tyler pulled me into his chest, stroking my back to comfort me. I hiccupped, my hands grasping his shirt tightly. My chest rose and fell quickly, my breathing short and gaspy. The sobs that left my mouth stopped me from breathing properly, but I couldn't stop. If this went on, I would surely pass out. Though passing out didn't sound so bad right now..

"Troye. Troye, calm down, yea? He's fine, you're fine. Everything's gonna be okay. Please, I need you to take a few deep breaths."

I could hear Tyler's voice, the concern lacing it, but it sounded so far away. My eyes were shut tightly, and every muscle in my body was tense. "Connor-" I managed to gasp out his name, before breaking out into sobs once again. Suddenly I was laying down, and my face felt cold and wet. I could hear several voices now, all trying to coaxe me to relax and take deep breaths. "Troye, listen to me. Connor will be fine. But when he wakes up, he needs you to be there for him, yea?" Tyler was close by now, and the other people stopped talking. It gave me a sense of slight peace.

I managed to nod my head to his question. Ofcourse Connor would need me to be there for him! "If you don't calm down, you'll pass out, and you won't be able to be there for him. So, please, try to follow my breathing." I nodded my head again, and I heard him starting to breathe at a slow pace. After a few minutes I finally got the hang of it, and managed to open my eyes. Tyler and Zoe were kneeling by my sides, both looking worried, tired and worn out. I immediately felt bad, and held my arms out for them.

They hugged me, and I felt silent tears running down my face. "He- he died-.. A-and.." I choked out, feeling the need to explain. "Sshh, Troye. It's okay. We know, it's okay." I pulled away from the hug, and the rest of the YouTubers who where stood at the door, slowly came over. "I-I'm sorry, g-guys, I hadn't.. didn't mean to wake anyone." I sniffled, wiping at my cheeks. Zoe smiled weakly, her eyes also red. She had probably been crying too.  "It's fine, Troye. You can't help it. We'll always be there for you."

I simply nod, before starting to cry again, even louder this time. Marcus sits next to me on the bed, and opens his arms. I sob and fall into his arms, wrapping my arms around his waist, head snuggling in his chest. I can't even get myself to feel embarrassed about the whole situation anymore. It takes so much energy.

I should probably explain whay caused me to be like this. About 3 weeks ago, Connor had woken up before me. That was usually the case. This time, he had apparently gone to the store to buy some eggs. When I got downstairs, I saw a note on the fridge.

Good morning, babe! I hope you slept well. I'm off to the store to go buy some eggs. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast on bed, but seeing as you're reading this note, that won't happen. I should be back around 10.

Love, Connor.

I had smiled when I saw the note, but then realised the time. It was 10:08, and he was obviously not home. I decided not to worry yet, and watched some television, while eating some cereal. When it was 10:30, I tried calling and texting him, but his phone went straight to voicemail. I started worrying. I couldn't get ahold of him, and ten minutes later, I got a call.

It was the hospital. Connor had gotten in a car accident on the way home. The other driver had appeared to be drunk, and crashed into the side of Connor's car. I had broken down. I managed to call Tyler, and he picked me up. He drove me to the hospital, and we contacted the British Crew. They immediately bought plane tickets to LA. They wanted to be here for us all, and even if it turned out to be not that bad, it would be a good excuse to just hang out with us again. Tyler also texted the O2L boys, but they were touring. It was their first tour without Connor. They wanted to come home for him, but they couldn't. After calling Connor's family, Tyler finally sat back down next to me. 

After 5 hours of waiting, we finally got some information. I had managed to calm down enough to be quiet, with the help of Tyler. Connor had broken his left leg. His body was bruised badly, and he had cuts from the shattered windows. Connor's heart had gotten quiet the shock, though. I don't remember much after that. My body tensed up and I could barely catch the words. From what I could make out, Connor's body had shut down. He was hooked up to lots of machines, I couldn't bring myself to memorize the names. And, basically, he was in a deep sleep. The doctors didn't know for how long. It could be days, weeks, months.. 

I broke down again. Tyler wasn't able to calm me down this time, and I had passed out. From that day on, every night, I would have nightmares, about Connor dying. The other YouTubers arrived after two days. Every other day we would visit Connor in the hospital. I hadn't been able to go in there without crying my heart out, yet. They had all been very supportive and helped me out extremely much, but it wasn't enough. I just needed Connor. 

Me and Connor have been dating for 5 months now. He had found his balls and asked me out on a date during VidCon. I said yes, I had always had a crush on him. We immediately hit it off, and have been together ever since. There had been a few bumps in the road, we had our fair share of fights, but we always made up, not even a day later. Most of the fights were about Troyler, and coming out as a couple. Connor was jealous of me and Tyler, and sometimes genuinely thought we were more than friends. He thought that when his insecurities started playing up. 

I wanted to come out. Though Connor wasn't ready yet. He hadn't even told his viewers he was bi, yet. He was just really scared and insecure. After 3 months of being together, I finally managed to convince him it would be fine. So, we came out in a video. Most were very supportive, but there were always the haters. Connor cared too much, and spent most of that day crying. I was there for him, though. I would always be there for him. So, in the end we were okay.


We arrived at the hospital. Me, Zoe and Tyler. The others decided to stay back at the house, sensing that I needed some alone time with Connor. Zoe and Tyler came with me, though. Probably to drag me back to the house when I broke down again. I couldn't help it.. Even though Connor was asleep, talking to him really helped me. It was as if he was awake. When we told the receptionist who we came for, she sent me a wide smile. ''Ah! I was about to give you a call. Mr. Franta has woken up. He has been replaced to room HT293. I will send a doctor to come explain his condition to you all in an hour. You may go visit him, now.'' 

I was speechless. My mouth was wide open, and I was ready to scream in happiness. Instead, I settled for running towards the stairs. The elevator would take too long. After finally finding his room, Tyler and Zoe smiled at me, patting my back and saying they would give us a little privacy. I suddenly got nervous, while standing infront of his door. I suddenly felt very self-concious about my appearance. My hair was a mess, I hadn't bothered to comb it. There were bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, and I was even thinner than I used to be. The stress made me lose my appetite. I ate, though it was very little. I just shook my head and opened his door. 

He was gorgeous, even in this state. I broke out in tears and ran over to his side. He held his arms out for me, and I layed down next to him carefully. I sobbed as I cuddled into his chest, and he rubbed my back gently. He was the one who was hurt, and he had to comfort me. I laughed at the irony, and cuddled even closer to him. ''I love you.'' I said honestly. I had never said that before, but it felt like the right time. It felt real. ''And I love you.'' He whispered into my ear, before pecking my nose.

UHM YEA SO I HOPE THIS IS, LIKE, OK AND STUFF. It's kinda short :/ But I thought it was kinda cute, so yea. Send me prompts, and I might write again soon! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.

-Steffi x

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