Cute moments. (Tronnor)

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Just a compilation of cute Tronnor moments I can imagine happening. Here ya go.


''Can I have some, too?'' I called out to Connor, who was making himself some cereal. I was still sitting on the couch, laptop on my lap and the Tumblr app open. ''Come get it yourself.'' He whined, his voice slightly more high-pitched as he walked back towards me, sitting down next to me. He hadn't gotten me a bowl of cereal, seeing as he was only holding one bowl. I narrowed my eyes at him, eyeing him up and down. ''But you were already standing..'' I started, but he hushed me with a smile.

I shut my mouth, watching him curiously as he scooped up some cereal on his spoon. He then held the spoon infront of my mouth and I smiled softly. I opened my mouth, and he fed me some of the cereal. It was a cute moment, until I decided to spill some of the milk down my chin. I swallowed what was in my mouth, and both Connor and I laughed as I raised my hand to wipe the milk away. Connor quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled it down gently. He slowly leaned in and my eyes widened when I saw his tongue darting out. Not even seconds later I felt his tongue licking up the spilt milk, making me close my eyes. When he finally moved away, I opened my eyes again.

My cheeks were a tiny bit pink, and my hands were wringing together in my lap. Even though we had been together for almost a year, he still managed to make me feel like this. He ate some of the cereal himself, before feeding me again. It went on like this until the bowl was empty, and I placed a soft kiss on his cheeks. ''Thanks, baby.'' I whispered in his ear, before turning back to my laptop. He left the room, and came back with his own laptop. ''I'm gonna start editing my video for next monday. Just to get that out of the way, okay?'' I nodded, smiling as he put on his headphones. I patted his thigh in affection, before once again scrolling through Tumblr.

After a little while, I offered to do his thumbnail. He said yes, so we both started working on his video. When we were finally done, I was about ready to fall asleep. Connor was laying on the couch, still on his laptop. I was done doing the thumbnail and was curled into his side, arms wrapped around his torso and my face dissapearing into his sweater. I inhaled deeply, loving his scent. I released the breath, feeling all the stress from the past days fade away as I lay there in that moment, with my boyfriend. All of a sudden I heard a noise, which made me jump a little. I looked up to see Connor putting away his laptop with a smile, wrapping me in his arms after. I detangled one of my arms to rub at my left eye, mumbling; ''Are you done?'' 

''Yes. And you look absolutely adorable, did you know that?'' I whined quietly, hiding my face in the jumper again. ''Cute. Are you tired?'' His voice was soft, knowing that it would ruin the moment if he spoke loudly. I nodded to answer his question, not in the mood to speak up. He just hummed and softly rubbed my back. ''Go to sleep, babe. I'll carry us to bed once you're asleep.'' He whispered. And for the first time in a long while I couldn't bring myself to protest.


I nudged my hand against his softly, silently asking if it was okay to hold his hand. His hand soon wrapped around mine, and I felt him starting to play with my fingers. A smile was immediately brought to my face as I looked at him, studying his face for a few seconds. I quickly brought my attention back to Tyler, though. He was telling Connor and I about his new project. When I looked at him, though, he was quiet. His arms were crossed and he was wearing the most smug smile ever. I simply rolled my eyes, letting out a small groan. I yanked my hand away from Connor's with much regret, placing it in my lap. I could see Connor's upset expression, but I was just embarrassed.

Holding hands was like kissing for Connor and I. We didn't really kiss much. We held hands, played with eachother's fingers, and all that stuff. It was something intimate between us, and it was to not be shared with anybody else. I was fine with people seeing it, but not when they actually paid attention to it. Tyler groaned loudly at me, huffing in dissaprovel. ''Nooo, don't stop! You two are cute!'' I just shook my head stubbornly, presssing my hands inbetween my thighs. I looked at Connor, before noticing his hand. He pulled one of my hands towards him and intertwined our fingers, keeping a firm grip.

He was holding it firmly, more than usual. He was silently telling me not to try to pull away, so I just let him hold my hand. ''Fine.'' I mumbled, shuffling closer towards Connor and leaning into his embrace. His free arm wrapped around my shoulder, puling me in closer.


"I don't like that you're taller than me." I roll my eyes at this statement, trying to focus on not burning the eggs. "Oh, shut up." I just sighed, staring at the eggs. "No, but seriously! I should be taller, you're the twink!" My eyes widen and I completely forget about the eggs. I turn around and grab Connor's bicep. I push him against the fridge with ease, as he doesn't seem to struggle. I push my leg inbetween his, grinding it against his crotch as I press my whole body against his. My forearms rest beside his head, so I can lean in very closely. My lips slowly tease Connor's ear, my leg still grinding against his crotch. "Don't ever, ever, call me a twink again."

I pull away, focusing back on the eggs, but not really. I smirked as I heard him panting slightly, still standing frozen against the fridge. "Jesus christ, Troye.. Forget about those goddamn eggs." He groaned, turning the stove off before dragging me towards the bedroom.


Thank you very much for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Optimistic criticism is appreciated, I would love to know what I could do better, and what is already good.


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