From a different group. (Tronnor)

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(Tronnor) (Troye Sivan x Connor Franta)

Connor's P.O.V.

I admired him from afar. I watched his every move. I stared, admired, watched, looked, gazed, glanced.. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Troye Sivan. The gay twink. His best friend is Tyler Oakley, and sometimes people think they're in a relationship, but they're not. Together they hung out with the British Crew, as they call themselves.

You see, at this school, we have groups. I'm with the populars. It involves me, Ricky, Kian, JC, Trevor and Sam. We were all great friends. Though they are kind of different than me. They like being loud, destructive, picking fights with eachother.. I just want to make everyone happy. I don't know how I ended up in this group of friends.. I guess I kinda went with Ricky. He seemed to know what he was doing when he started hanging out with them.

Now don't get me wrong. These guys are amazing, loyal, the best friends you could have, and they wouldn't just punch someone for the fun of it, but sometimes I feel like I don't really belong with them. But you can't just switch. You can't just get up and leave. That's not how it worked.

Troye and his group were just kind of the sweet group. (They came after us in the list of popular groups, but they were the kinder version.) They were all really nice, and you could always go to them for a laugh, or a serious talk. Then you had the punks, the drama queens, emos, goths, computer freaks, nerds, you name it and we had it. Honestly I felt like I belonged more with Troye's group.

I had been watching them closely for a couple of months. During classes that I shared with none of the populars, I tried to talk to them. Not much succes so far. Everybody kinda thought we were all dicks. We weren't, though. Yes, they like to wrestle and hit eachother, and break stuff, but if you didn't give them a reason to beat you up, they won't!

That sounds really bad. For example, a guy had been hitting on Lia, Jc's girlfriend. She tried to stop him and told Jc that she felt very uncomfortable around that guy. Jc confronted him and the guy tried to act all tough and stuff. Naturally, me and the guys all backed Jc up. Kian sorta kinda broke his nose, and Ricky threatened him. Sam intimidated him, and Trevor sassed him out. I tried talking to the guy after all of that. I told him some deep stuff, and he eventually backed off.

We're just all really good friends, and you don't want trouble with one of us. The others will find out and kill you. I absolutely adored all of them, but sometimes I wished that we didn't have all this 'group' stuff. My group was supposed to hate Troye's group. Actually it's called Tyler's group, but I call it Troye's group in my head, because Troye is the most important to me.

Basically, Marcus, Joe, Caspar, Jim and Alfie had this huge fight with the others of my group, a few years ago. I was sick that day, so I had nothing to do with it. I still don't know what it was about, but our groups just hated eachother from that day on. We played stupid, silly pranks on eachother, and often got into fights. Sometimes physical, sometimes not.

Even though the other group was almost never the type to get angry, they just seemed to get extremely annoyed and agitated whenever it was about us. Troye's group outnumbered us by many, (as it also involved many others besides the British Crew,) but we almost always won at fights. When Marcus got mad, shit got real, but that didn't happen often.

My group liked working out. I do too. We run, go to the gym, eat healthy and all that shit. We have muscles. Which makes it easy for us to beat the other group. I usually tried to stay out of these fights, but on rare occasions I actually got physically involved.

Even though Trevor was the youngest out of all of us, we all knew I was the most fragile. I was not the weakest physically, but I just had a different mind set. I didn't care, though. The others seemed to care a lot more than me. If somebody said only one word wrong to me, hell came falling down.

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