How I knew (Tronnor)

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Troye and Connor had been acting differently around eachother.

Touching eachother.

''No! Hahahaha, Connor, no, stop it!'' Connor was ontop of Troye, on the couch. He was tickling him, the biggest of smiles on his mouth as he did so. I watched with a soft expression as they both giggled, having the time of their lives. It's as if they didn't notice the people around them. Like they were just with the two of them in a room, the whole world tucked away in a drawer. I peeled my eyes away from them, not wanting to intrude, but I still heard the adorable laughs coming from both boys.

Staring at eachother.

I looked to my left, catching Connor staring at Troye with wide eyes. His hand was placed on the inside of his hand, which was resting on his knee. We were all together in a room, playing some kind of game. Troye was telling the story about how he got run over by a car when he was little, again. We had already heard it for about 50 times, but nevertheless, we all listened again. Connor was totally wrapped up in the image of Troye, though. I could see his eyes looking Troye up and down several times, his tongue sometimes flicking out to lick his lips as he did so. It wasn't even a lustful look, it was simply adoration.

Sneaking away together.

I looked over my shoulder to check if Connor and Troye were still walking behind us, and found them whispering to eachother quietly. They looked up, both quickly jumping apart when they saw me. Troye cleared his throat awkwardly, starting to move towards the restrooms. "I, uh, need to pee." I saw him giving Connor a look, before spinning around and walking off. Connor's cheeks were red as I raised my eyebrows at him. "Erm, yea, me too." He squeaked, his voice higher than usual as he scampered off behind Troye.

But also, more bickering. They fought more about the simplest things. If one got too close to one of their friends, the other would completely ignore him. You could practically read the jealousy off of their faces. They just fought and bickered about the smallest things, once in a while.

"Stop that." Troye said, simply. His words were directed towards Connor, who was poking his side to get his attention. "Sorry. I just wanted to know if I could lend your charger. Mine broke, ya know, and my laptop's almost dead." Troye just scooted away from Connor, a little, and shook his head. "No. I'm using it right now." I watched with raised eyebrows at the scene playing out infront of me. Connor's eyes went wide with slight panic, and he poked Troye again. "Connor, stop it! You're not getting my charger." "But, Troye, please. You're only on Tumblr, you can do that on your phone, right? I'm uploading my video and I can't afford for my laptop to die right now. It's important, Troye, please." "No!" "Why not?!" "Because I'm using it! Go use Zoe's, or something!" "No." "And why not?" "Because this is not about that anymore. Why would you not let me lend your charger?" "Because. I'm. Using. It." I gulped and slowly walked out of the room as their bickering continued on. I wasn't a part of this, I would let them figure it out for themselves. They're adults, they can handle it.

And that's how I knew.

With all the things that have happened over the past few months, I came to a conclusion. Troye and Connor are most probably in a relationship. Now, I am completely okay with that, god, I ship it so much, but I'm also sad that they didn't tell us, their friends. I guess they weren't ready yet, and I understand. That's okay. You're just gonna have to fangirl in silence until they come out, Zoe Sugg.


idk. I wanted to do one out of someone elses point of view, and this happened. Hope you guys like it! It was Zoe's P.O.V. if that wasn't obvious yet. The italics were flashbacks from different happenings, clearly.

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Tronnor One-Shots.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें