Soulmates. (Tronnor)

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(Tronnor) (Troye Sivan x Connor Franta)

I'm scared, Connor.
I know, Troye. Me too.

Connor lived in a different kind of world than you do. Everything seemed completely normal at first sight. You'd think that his world was the same as yours. And it was, really. The people looked the same, society was the same, everyone lived in normal looking houses, you name it. Though, what happened inside the thoughts of the people was different. Soulmates were able to communicate with thinking. It starts at the age of 10. Your parents explain everything to you. How it works, what to do, and all. If your soulmate is younger than you, it won't work until your soulmate becomes ten years old as well. What you do is you put your hand over the place on your chest where your heart would be, and you focus. You close your eyes and think. That's all. You think a sentence, and your soulmate will be able to hear you inside their mind. You can only hear their thoughts when they do the same. Place their hand over their heart. You are not to meet your soulmate until you are of 18 years old. By that age you should have gotten to know your soulmate very well, seeing as you're able to communicate.

If you do meet your soulmate or see a picture of them before the age of 18, your bond will grow weaker. If you touch before the age of 18, your bond will be ripped. It will hurt physically, as well as emotionally. You will be unable to function for a month, in which your loved ones will have to take care of you. There are also centres made specially for those with broken hearts. After that month, you will forever feel empty, and you will have a broken heart. There will always be a dull ache in your chest, where your broken and empty heart is supposed to be.

This is why at the age of ten, you will not be allowed to be around other people than your family. By communicating with your soulmate, you will figure out where they live, and you will be able to avoid them for the remaining 8 years. When the youngest of the soulmates becomes 18, you will be able to meet. At the age of 14, Connor Franta first heard from his soulmate. Connor was not dissapointed when he could not contact his soulmate on his tenth, he had always wanted to be the older one in the relationship. Connor was surprised, though. His soulmate was a boy. It was not uncommon for soulmates to be of the same gender, but Connor had never thought of boys in that way before. It didn't matter to him, though. Connor was never big on labels.

Troye Sivan was a cute, thin, brown-haired boy. His parents had always known that he was gay, so it didn't come as a big shock to them. Troye didn't really care that his soulmate was a boy, secretly he had hoped for it anyways. He was ecstatic that he could immediately contact his soulmate, though a little nervous. This boy was already 14 years old! what if he thought Troye was childish? Obviously, that didn't happen.

Connor and Troye immediately got along. It also helped that they lived in different countries, this way they did not have to move to avoid eachother. They talked every day and night. They made plans for their future, and told eachother everything about themselves and their family and friends. Even when they had nothing more to tell, they would just talk about nonsense. It warmed Connor's heart, and he didn't feel so alone anymore. Once Connor slipped into depression, Troye was the only thing Connor still smiled about. Troye felt proud and special, that he was able to cheer him up. Connor and Troye would talk for hours, just so Connor could feel alive for a little while. Connor's parents started worrying, though. This wasn't healthy anymore, was it? Connor wouldn't speak to anyone but Troye anymore. So, Connor's parents contacted Troye's parents by sending a long letter. This way it would not weaken their sons' bond. Troye's parents told about Connor's condition, and Troye immediately stepped up his game. He got Connor to talk to his parents, open up a bit more, make frienda at school. He even got Connor to go to therapy sessions. All in all, Troye saved Connor, and Connor couldn't have been more grateful. He started smiling again, made lots of friends and started acting like his usual cheery self again. And that was that.

The two had grown very close, and they didn't even know what the other really looked like. They had never met, but that would all soon change. Connor was 22 by now, and Troye's 18th birthday was in a few days. Connor had flown out to Australia with his parents, a city away from Troye. They were both nervous, even though there was nothing to be nervous about.

Only two more days..

And then we will finally be able to meet.

What should I wear?

I don't know, surprise me.

What will you be wearing?

My favorite outfit. I want you to see me the way I am.

You're so professional! I have no idea what to do about any of this, and I'm nervous as fuck!

Stop swearing, babe, it doesn't suit you. Plus, your mom would kill you if she found out.

I know, I know. Sorry. I'm just nervous.

Connor smiled to himself as he lay on his bed, hand over his heart with his eyes closed. He felt content, calm. He had expected to be nervous, but it just didn't come. He knew Troye, and this would change nothing between them. He would just be able to touch him and see him, now.

Connor? Are you still there?

Yea, sorry, babe. Just thinking.


Hhmm. Why don't you wear those black skinny jeans you talked about, and a sweater?

You're an angel, Connor! Great idea. Thanks.

Are you curious as to what I bought you for your birthday?

You didn't! Connor! I told you, meeting you is enough!

I wanted to buy you something, though.

You're the best, Connor. What is it?

I really suck at keeping things from you.. Remember how we always argue about whether we are getting cats or dogs when we're older?

Please don't tell me you bought me a cat..

I bought you a puppy!

Really?! Connor! You- I- what?

I decided that it really doesn't matter, as long as you're happy. And he's sweet, really.

Can you get any more perfect?

Probably not.

I can't wait for my birthday..


Connor pulled at the bottom of his shirt, gnawing on his lip nervously. It was Troye's birthday. Only three more minutes until it was official, and he could meet Troye. He blew out a nervous breath, so maybe he wasn't completely calm. Can you blame him, really? His mother sent him a wide smile and gave him a little push towards the door, signaling him that he was good to go. Connor composed himself, and stood up straighter, reaching out to the knob on the door. He grabbed it, and twisted it quickly. The door swung open, and there he stood. He was perfect.

Troye quickly took the two steps between them and wrapped his arms around Connor's slightly smaller frame. Connor's arms went around his waist, and they fitted together perfectly. They locked eyes and literally just stared at eachother for a good five minutes. Once they both got passed their shock, Connor murmured a small 'I love you', before placing his lips on Troye's. And was it just him, or were they made for eachother? Because they just seemed to fit so perfectly. And there was applause in the background, but they didn't really pay attention. And they held eachother like they had known eachother for years. And they kissed like it was the last thing they would ever do.

Erm, yea. There ya go, I guess? Just a random little idea. Hope you enjoyed!


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