Chapter 15

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No one's POV

Andy nervously opened the location, as he ran his finger through his own hair. He was confused and terrified.

Where is Rye? Is Mikey on danger?

He decided to see Mikey. "Jack, let's go here, I need to see him," Andy stated as he gave his phone to Jack.

He wasn't feeling himself, he was tired, terrified and scared. He was doing his best to keep attention to everything. Even his head is starting to get heavy little by little.

"Alright? Uber or walk?" He asked as he gave his phone back.


Andy was something on his mind, keeping his either alive or dead.

Jack wasn't feeling so sure, he was confused, why are they are going there?

The cold atmosphere made everything worse. The wind slowly stroked to his soft skin. 

After a few minutes of waiting, the car arrived, they both walked across the street and got in the car. They both quietly sat on the passenger seat. 

Andy's head is getting heavier time by time, he was feeling so sick, he tried to control his breath. 

"Are you okay?" Jack asked as he looked at Andy, worriedly. 

"Yeah, just a little migraine, I guess," he stated as he sighed heavily. 

"Are you sure?" Jack asked once again, to make sure everything about Andy is okay. He sometimes knows about Andy too well. He never gets a migraine before. 

"Yeah," Andy stated. 

Andy stared at the road, quietly as he hears the little sound of the radio. 

"Can I ask you something?" Jack asked.


"Why are we going there?" 

Andy sighed because he doesn't know either. "My old friend texts me to go there," He stated as he felt unsteady. 

"Oh, okay," he answered as he nodded slowly. 

Andy's eyes are getting heavier, maybe it because of the pain, he thought to himself. 

He tried to keep his eyes open, struggling with the pain on his head. 

"Man, it is okay, just sleep," Jack said as he chuckled. 

Andy giggled as he sighed, "I am good."

After a few minutes of silence, they finally arrived, Andy got off from the car in a hurry. 

"Wait!" Jack stated as he struggling to get off from the car. "It was uncomfortable," he continued as he walked next to Andy. 

They started to walk slowly, very slow, hoping that Andy isn't going to pass out soon. 

Suddenly a man with black sunglasses caught Andy's eyes. And right it was Mikey. 

"There he is," Andy stated as he pointed to Mikey. "Who?" Jack asked confusedly as he stared at the guy. "My old friend, my ex," he said awkwardly. "Oh, you're ex-roommate also?" Jack giggled. Andy didn't say anything, he walked to him. 

"Hey," Andy said. 

Mikey jumped a little bit, "I'm not expecting you to come," he stated. 

"Uh, yeah, anyway this is my friend," Andy said awkwardly. 

"Hi, I'm J-"

"Jack, yeah, Brooklyn's fiance?" Mikey said as he took Jack hand and shook their hands. 

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