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Her umber hair swayed gently in the wind, the moon shining down and lighting up the colorful builds her citizens created. Jesse laid her head on her arm while she longingly gazed out the window looking at nothing in particular.

She sighed, rubbing her arm while glancing at her empty wine bottle on her cream colored end table beside her. She absent mindedly fiddled with the sheets in her hand while gazing at the radiant constellations of stars.

She shivered as a cold gust of wind blew, rippling her sky-blue curtains. Jesse coughed, sniffing afterwards, her cheeks a faint rosy red color as her dark cocoa colored eyes darted around the room for a split second. Were did I go wrong?

She brought her silky covers over her head, the empty feeling in her heart never leaving her, the constant desire for her long gone friends tugging at the back of her mind and the numbness in the pit of her stomach felt like it would be their forever. The voice in her mind was always wearing her down. She raked a hand through her disheveled dark brown hair and wearily looked around. Ultimate despair clouded her sorrowful filled eyes as she laid there.

She wondered how long she could keep this up, how long before her townspeople would find out. She glanced at the orange pill bottle on her desk for a moment. She let her head fall back against her cold pillow and snuggled up in the covers and closed her eyes.

Jesse looked around a vast and beautiful field surrounding her. The sky was as beautiful as the Caribbean ocean and the sun shone down radiantly upon her. Her umber hair swayed gently and standing in front of her was a blond, smiling, loose strands of his blonde hair swaying gently in the wind.

They gazed into each other's sparkling eye's the connection between them blooming like a flower.

Lukas placed an extremely beautiful flower in her brunette hair and Jesse blushed, gazing into his heart warming eyes. The blonde gently kissed her forehead and then everything changed everything turned gloomy and gray. The sky was covered in dark gray clouds and the tiny blades swaying in the wind slowly lost their color.  Rain harshly poured and Jesse looked around unable to find Lukas. She fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face and she clutched her head, the voice in her mind continuingly taunting and blaming her.

Jesse's eyes slowly fluttered open, and she pondered, forgetting about the numbness in her stomach for just a second.

Jesse reluctantly tossed the warm covers and got up. In all honesty she didn't feel like getting up, but she hated how much worry and stress she was putting on Radar.

She groggily rubbed her eyes and wobbly began to stand up, her chest already began to burn. She grasped her teal and white shirt while breathing heavily the burning sensation increasing ever so slightly. She staggered slightly as she started to walk.

Jesse quickly regained her footing and quickly grabbed her phone and opened her closet. She began taking out a big and fluffy coat out for later.

She hastily swung open the door and slowly walked towards Radar's office ignoring the arising pain in her chest.

She opened the door and  saw a small amount of papers on her desk.

"Jesse!" A voice squealed. Jesse jumped at her interns voice before turning around and giving him a smile.

She playfully ruffled his raven colored hair, "Hey Radar," She said, her voice hoarse and scratchy.

"I was so worried, but I'm so glad you finally come down!"

He smiled and readjusted his ebony rimmed glasses.

Jesse didn't reply as she got lost in deep thought.

ReflectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora