Ch. 20

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My eyes opened,  and what I saw was white.

"Am I in heaven," I mumbled

"I am afraid not sir," Alfred said

"How long have I been out for?"

"About a week, we weren't sure you would ever wake up," he said

"Is that so," I say.

I look down at my barren chest, there was white cloth. Well not as white as it use to be. It was stained with red and green blood.

"We all missed you, we... we thought you were dead," he starts to cry. Alfred hugs me, I groan.

"Please you might hurt me further," but I still hug him back

"You were my best friend Daniel, my only friend," Alfred says into my bear shoulder

"It's fine Alfred I won't leave, at least not right away."

"What was that Daniel," Alfred asked

"Nothing it's not important," I mumbled

"Our little friend is awake I see," a voice said

The voice; I realized was Clark aka Superman. I groaned, "why is he here?"

"He wanted to see you along with Batman, and the rest of the team," Alfred said

"Well tell Superman, that if he doesn't leave me alone. I will get off this table. Come over there by him and kick his alien ass," I growled

"You know I can here you," Supes said

"Maybe you were supposed to."

Superman stopped talking after that.

"Where's Batman," I asked

"He went on trip," Alfred piped up

"Oh how nice does this mean I get to spend a week with this airhead," I mumbled

"Let me ask you a question: why do you hate me," Ckark asked

"Mmm... I don't know maybe because your an idiot, who uses his muscles more than his brain. I'm not really sure if you have one though," I whispered

"That hurts," he said

"Meh... lots of things I say hurt. I've said much worse."

"I believe it, considering how many times I've heard you curse like a drunken sailor," he embellishes

"You got that right," I try getting of the metal table

I was pushed down by Alfred, "you need to heal."

"I'm fine really, I don't need to be supervised. I need to be on my feet." I pushed my self up, but this time Alfred didn't stop me.

"You really are Batman's friend, you are just as stubborn as he is," Alfred remarks

I snort, I loose my footing but use the wall for support. 

"Youo might need crutches, if you expect me to let you walk on your own, Master Daniel."

Alfred left and fell back down on the metal bed.

Alfred left it was just me and Superman. "So how long have you've known," I ask

"About Bat's secret identity, not long about two months."

"You know you're a good friend to Batsy a better friend than I could have ever been. Always leaving, making excuses. I might have to leave again."

Superman looked at me strangely and asked the question that longed in his expression, "Why?"

"Why... because my life is caked full of secrets. Secrets that could get me dissected, and you guys killed. If I leave before Batman gets back. Tell him I miss him, tell him that if he never sees me again. That I always loved him like a brother."

"I will, so tell me what am I to you?"

"You well your a pain in my ass, and I hope to never see you again. Oh," I grab the collar of his shirt, "if you ever hurt my little brother, I'll come back and rip your heart out and eat it."

Superman paled, I let go off his shirt. "I understand," Clark says to me. The color returns to his face.

"Good." Alfred returns with the crutches. 

"Oh good, I thought you two would have killed each other by now. Master Daniel here are your crutches."

"Thankyou Alfred, I do hate Clark. But he is Bruce's best friend and any friend of Bruce is a friend of mine," I give them a large creepy smile, eyes full of insane malice.

Their faces pale, I then realize what I what I had just done. "Sorry, I think I've been spending to much time with the Joker."

I pick up the crutches and use them to walk out of the room.

"What do you suppose is wrong with him," Clark asks

"Living forever is a burden, that even Danny can't endure," Alfred says



See ya'll next time


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