Ch. 4

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---Published on Aug. 20---

"Did I mention that I loved your books and that I am big fan."

"Yes I know Wally, you told me  this a millions times. Is he always like this?"

"Preety much." Robin cuts in

"Okay.... anyway are we almost to my room? I'm exhausted. Ppleasse tell it is yes. I think my headache grew in a matter of ten minutes. Gahhh

"Yes we are almost there. It is right down this hall, Master Danny."

"I told you not to cal me that. My name is Danny....  DANNY!!!

"Hey, look were here!"

"Finally, were here", Danny walks into his room closes his door and yells. 

"Good night!"

"Was he always like this since you obviously know him." Dick asks

"No he was not always like this. He use to be less depressed and tired. I guess the world just took it's tole on him it's sad really. Isn't that right Alfey?"

"Yes he use to be a bright boy with a good future. That unfortunately changed when his uncle became a little abusive. After his parents died, he was sent to go live with him. Vlad started drinking which truly became a problem. It is truly sad."


Danny could here everything they were saying he groaned into his pillow and shut his eyes. Danny goes into unconsciousness. 


Danny wakes up and is on a metal table in a white room.

"You couldn't save your family or your friends. You didn't deserve to live you deserved to die. Spook!" His father nearly shouts

"Danny why didn't save us, don't you love us. Do we even mean anything to you anymore." Sam says

"I thought you were my little brother but your a monster!"

"I'm not a monster, I tried save you I really did Jazz. Please you have to believe me."

I don't believe you Danny. I don't know what to believe anymore. Are you even really my brother. Well your not."

"What, what did you just say to me I'm not your brother. That just hurts."

"Well then this should hurt even more, Spook." My mother says well she grabs a scalpel and plunges it into my skin.

I scream and then everything turns black.


Everyone including the rest of the young justice and justice leauge are in the living room of Bruce Wayne's masion.

"What do you think he's doing up there?" Wally asks

"He's probably sleeping or typing away at his computer." Dick says answering his question

"What about now?"

"Probably the same thing." Dick says bluntly a little annoyed yes

"So who is he again?" Clark aka superman asks

"He's the author of my favorite book series 'The Ghost of Amity Park' -DUH.

"Don't get cocky with me Wallus." Clark says

Just then everyone hears a loud and fearful scream.

"Where is that comming from?" Clark asks 

"I think it is comming from our guest bedroom." Bruce says calmly

"Who is ready to meet Danny Fenton the author!" Wally says happily


They go down the hall to the guest bedrooms. They open the door to se that Danny is sitting in one of the far corners of the room.

He is rocking back and forth on the floor mumbling to himself  saying"kill me, kill me," over and over again. 

Bruce put his hand on Danny and told him to calm down.

Danny comes out of his stupor and sees tha there is people staring at him.

"What do you want?" Danny asks

"Were here to help you." Aqualad says

"I don't need your help, Kaldur, but what I do need is a small drop off a short peer." 

Aqualad was surprised, no one knew his name except his team. He'd ask Danny how he knew his name later.

No one looked amused some them even looked concerned.

"Ah fine, will you at least help me off the floor."

Superboy sticks out his hand and Danny takes it. "Thanks.", is all Danny says

He walks over to his duffel bag and starts picking through it. When he feels some ones pressence in his mind. "Oh, and M'gan was it, Stop reading my mind. Also yes I know who you are." 

He said in an odly calm voice that spent chills down the spines of the heros. Even if they do not admit it. M'gan was curious how did he know her name?

"Aha here it is, I found it.", Danny says as he grabs his duffel bag and runs to the door.

Bruce beats him to the door, "Where are you going Danny?", he says in a stern yet calm voice

"I'm just going to the bathroom. I will be right back." Danny ran out the door.

Bruce knew that Danny did not tell him the whole truth. He was leaving something out but why would lie to him. Danny was his best friend and his big brother. He might not look like his  big brother anymore but he still and always will be.

--- it gets a little depressing here just so you know---

Danny was sitting on the floor in the bathroom. He took out a bottle of whiskey. Danny took the cap of the bottle and said bottoms up. Danny chugged it down until he fell into unconsciousness.  

About an hour later Danny woke up. He went the toilet and he puked. Danny had not eaten that much so there was not a lot that came out. 

He goes back to his bag and pulls out a knife. Danny starts to cut his arms with the blade. The cuts turn to scars because of his healing abbilities.

Danny threw up again and then went back to sleep on the floor


End of the chapter

How did you like the chapter did ya like or hate it

So see ya'll next time

Good bye

The immortal phantomحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن