02: Society

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noun~ The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.


—A certain amount of years ago—

Society as a whole always praised those who were stronger and had flashy quirks. Ever since Katsuki got his quirk he was praised for it.

Society always looked down on and frowned at those who were weaker and didn't have quirks. Ever since Izuku found out he was quirkless all he got was whispers and strange looks.

Katsuki started to be a real jerk to Izuku and basically anyone who was weaker than him, because that's how society told him to act. Katsuki didn't like to think that he was a crowd pleaser who did what he was told to, but that's exactly what he did. The blonde boy went against his own 'morals'.


A small boy was pushed to the ground as Katsuki sparked up his hands.

"What are you going to do about it, huh? A weak loser like you?" Katsuki laughed at the trembling boy on the ground.

In that moment, Katsuki felt safe. Safe in a twisted way. Safe knowing that others were beneath him that it will always be like that. Katsuki smiled at the boy, but his 'smile' was a twisted smirk.

Izuku looked over and walked up to Katsuki, practically falling over with each step he took. It was as if his body didn't want him to do this. But he knew it was the right thing to do...

"Don't pick on him! He doesn't deserve it! From now on, if you want to pick on anyone, just pick on me..." Izuku trembled as he said those words, knowing that Katsuki would probably do as such.

"You know what, that's not a bad idea Deku." Katsuki scoffed and pushed him, lighting his hand up in the process.

Izuku flinched at the pain, tears rolled down his cheeks. But if Katsuki would stop bullying everyone else then this is what he decided to do.

Katsuki was acting how everyone wanted him to. They wanted him to look down on the weak and think highly of himself.

'From now on Deku, you are my main target... Get ready for hell...' Katsuki thought. The greenette had tried to stand up to him after all, so Katsuki just thought it was fitting for Izuku to get the consequences of that.


(A/N Hi, sorry for the short chapter, I want to get on to writing the main story outside of their childhood XD)

Word count: 420 ;(

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