Chapter 39. Fox vs. Rossi; Another Journey's End

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The flight out of the Adirondacks wasn't until midday.

Reid, Ana and Rossi packed up the rental car and let Hotch sleep in. When he finally emerged from his room, it was clear to those who knew him that his sleep had been restful, and restorative, and exactly what he needed most.

Millie had held breakfast for him. She called him into the dining room where a buffet of eggs, bacon and lots of leftover cake waited. As Hotch passed Ana, he gave her a shy smile. "Thanks for last night."

When he realized how what he'd said might be misinterpreted, he turned back, clumsy apologies trying to erase his unthinking comment. But she closed her eyes and, despite his not being relaxed, her empathic antennae sought him out with unerring accuracy. Ana was a quick study; she knew where to find him now. A small comforting touch made him stop stuttering at her, blink when he felt her presence, and then smile even wider.

Rossi watched the little scene as it played out. Ana and Reid had explained to him about providing Hotch with, in effect, a psychic security blanket to comfort him while he healed. Although grateful for the results, Rossi wasn't sure he completely understood. The idea of someone else accessing his mind was something he'd always find a little disturbing. But if it helped Hotch, he was fine with it.


While Hotch ate breakfast, Rossi poured himself a last cup of coffee for the road. He meandered into the dining room and took a seat opposite his friend. Hotch continued to eat, but he was making a very visible effort to keep chewing versus letting a wide grin appear. Rossi watched through narrowed eyes.

"What's going on with you, Aaron?"

"Nothing. I feel good, that's all."

Rossi nodded. He did have to acknowledge what the Unit Chief had endured, and how relieved he must be to have come through to the other side of such a nightmare. Speaking of nightmares...

"The doctor and I watched you sleep for a little while last night." Hotch's grin waned a bit. "We wanted to be sure you're really on the mend."


Rossi shrugged. "Seems so. You were dreaming, but it wasn't anything that turned scary. You were even smiling. Doctor said you were dreaming about picnics."

Hotch's fork froze halfway to his mouth. A lump of scrambled egg fell back to the plate with a faint, wet plop. His recovery was quick, but Rossi noticed the reaction. He watched his boss resume eating. He's up to something...But what?

Before he could pursue the subject any further, he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. Looking up, he saw their hostess smiling down at him, a regretful look in her eyes.

"Dave, we need to talk."

Those were words Rossi never associated with anything good, especially coming from a female. Confused, he stood up and turned to face Millie. What is going on around here today? He felt as though he was trying to jump onto a moving train. There were subtexts filling up the spaces and he couldn't even begin to read them.

"Of course. Is everything alright, Millie?"

She gave Hotch a coy glance, but he was studiously engaged in buttering toast. A little too studiously to Rossi's eye.

"Perhaps we should speak in private."

Rossi shot Hotch a look, but the man was still involved with toast. Millie walked around the corner of the dining room entry, but stopped just outside. Rossi was sure they were still within Hotch's hearing distance, though.

Devolution, a Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now