Chapter 23. Emerging From the Dark

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Rossi decided there must’ve been something in the doctor’s touch that had rendered Hotch a bit more malleable than usual. He let himself be steered out the door, down the hallway, and into the street. It wasn’t until they were halfway to Millie’s B&B that whatever-it-was wore off.

“Dave, I really think we should be back there with Reid and Ana.”

“No, we shouldn’t.”

“But if something goes wrong…”

“Then we won’t be the ones to fix it.” He positioned himself behind the reluctant, still-shaky Unit Chief and propelled him forward with small, repetitive pushes. “Besides, you’re a patient and your doctor has given instructions. Eat. Rest. You’re going to follow them.”

Hotch stumbled as he cast a longing look back at the hospital just as Rossi delivered another push to the small of his back.

“Let it go, Aaron. There’s more going on here than either of us can understand. Especially me. Let it go.”

“Well, maybe you can explain some of it to me anyway, okay? Try?”

“Sure. As long as we do it with you sitting down and eating, or lying down and resting. Deal?”


They were at Millie’s garden gate. Rossi knew she’d been watching for any foot traffic headed her way when he saw the front door begin to open.

“Heads up, Aaron. You’re about to meet your match.”

Hotch turned curious eyes in the direction Rossi was looking just in time to be assaulted by an avalanche of gingham apron and effusive welcome. As Millie cooed and oohed over the man Mr. Rosie…Dave!...had brought her…clearly yet another in the panoply of FBI agents who were destined to become her second family, clearly a young man who required recuperative, motherly care… Hotch’s slightly panicked look telegraphed a mute plea for rescue.

Rossi ignored it. He hung back and let Millie engulf his friend. He was sure Aaron’s polite, gentlemanly breeding and his respectful consideration of others’ feelings, would manifest itself, making it impossible for him to break free of Millie’s penchant for lavishing food and attention on her guests.

Poor guy. Never really had a chance. And if his stomach should growl in her presence? Doomed. Absolutely doomed. We might never see the scruffy, skinny thing again.

But Rossi didn’t feel too bad. Millie was just what the doctor had ordered.


The cascading, scintillating fireworks had faded.

Reid raised his head, knowing Ana was by his side, holding him close against her. Slowly, very, very slowly, he opened his eyes. She was the first thing he saw, looking back at him. He gasped.

He could see, but things looked different. Even she looked different.

Spencer? What’s wrong? Are you okay? Ana’s happy expectation felt blind-sided. Her smile faltered. Something wasn’t quite right. She didn’t feel fear in him, exactly, but he was alarmed. Very alarmed. Oh, no. Now what?!

I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay.

Stop it! You sound like Hotch when you say that. And he’s never ‘okay’ when he does that. Talk to me, Spencer.

As he tried to explain, she felt a measure of calm return to him. But it was overlaid with what Ana could only describe as ‘wonder.’ Things are glowing, Ana. That’s the only word I can think of for it. She felt a frisson of self-criticism flit through him. I don’t need words with you. Duh. Touch me. See what I see.

Devolution, a Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now