Chapter 32. "We Begin"

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When Reid, Ana and Julio entered the hospital lobby this time, the night receptionist was gone. But when they were greeted telepathically by her replacement, they weren’t as shocked.

Ana squeezed Spencer’s hand. The woman on night duty must have told her the cat’s out of the bag. I guess it’s safe for everyone to ‘talk’ to us now.

Julio, on the other hand, was delighted to make the discovery that here was yet another person with whom he could communicate mentally. Wreathed in smiles, he fairly radiated joy.

Reid watched a veritable rainbow of colors flare from the Palero priest. Releasing Ana’s hand, he walked back to the main entry and looked outside.

The little boy, Bobby, was loitering on the sidewalk, happy to be trailing in the steps of his new hero, Julio. Reid still saw the child’s pale violet aura shot with sprays of gold. He looked up and down the street. Most people appeared normal, but every so often a shimmer of color would surround someone. Reid had read about those who claimed they could see and interpret auras, could ascertain a person’s health or discern their emotional state, even predict their future. He’d lumped such claims in with what he termed psychics-on-command. They were the ones who were so adept at reading the minutiae others didn’t even notice, and so skilled at verbal tap dancing, they did seem to have supernatural powers. Growing up in Vegas, Reid had been able to observe all kinds of gimmicky floor shows and talented tricksters. He was banned from most casinos. Although people assumed it was because of his intellectual ability to overcome gambling odds, a secondary reason was that he’d delighted in showing up celebrity psychics as frauds and humiliating them before large audiences.

Reid still thought most of those performers were fakes, but now he had to admit to a grain of doubt. Good Lord. I’m one of them now. For a brief, but ludicrous moment, he envisioned himself standing on a stage, cloaked and top-hatted, Ana by his side in the requisite sequin-studded leotard. He shook his head and the image faded. The thing is, I don’t see auras around everyone. Just a few. Reid turned back to face the lobby and the rest of the hospital’s interior. And I see them around places? That doesn’t make any sense.

It will.

The distinctive, deep feel of the doctor’s ‘voice’ intruded on his thoughts. By the way Ana and Julio were looking left and right, Reid was sure they’d heard it, too. A low chuckle accompanied the old physician’s next words.

I see you all have questions. Fortunately, I have a light schedule today. Unless an emergency presents itself, we can spend some time trying to find you some answers.

The small trill of emotion Ana picked up told her that watching others find answers was one of the doctor’s favorite pastimes. He was looking forward to it.


Rossi left Millie ensconced at her kitchen table, surrounded by recipe cards, happily planning menus for her guests’ extended stay. He excused himself, saying he wanted to see how poor, so-recently-ill, Mr. Hotchner was faring on his own.

He crept up the stairs with professional stealth until he was sure he heard the shower running. He’s been in there a while. Rossi’s eyes narrowed. Unless he’s been running the water as a cover for other activities. But Hotch was a man who was very serious about his personal grooming. He did go longer than usual without a shower or shave. He could just be reveling in getting back to normal. He stopped outside the bathroom door and listened, reassuring himself that Hotch wasn’t going to emerge for several minutes at least.

Rossi hesitated with his hand on the doorknob to his friend’s room, feeling a little ashamed of being so suspicious. Then he remembered the look Hotch had when he’d slunk his way up the stairs, and all shame vanished. He opened the door and stood on the threshold, profiler’s eyes raking the interior for any sign, any clue that mischief might have been accomplished. Nothing.

Devolution, a Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now