Chapter 5. Enemy Within

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The receptionist looked up as four people entered the hospital lobby. Three seemed fine, but one looked as though he’d fall over if it weren’t for the man supporting him, one arm cinched around his waist and a hand spread across his chest, pressing him upright.

“Oh, no.” She picked up her phone and punched the top entry on her speed dial list. After a few rapid words, she hung up. Sprinting around the front desk, she called over her shoulder to someone further back in the depths of the facility.

“Gurney! Stat!”

With reassuring speed, a large, well-muscled orderly appeared, gurney in tow. He flipped its brakes on and approached the newcomers, arms extended to receive the one who was obviously in need of care.

Hotch didn’t resist being manhandled. Didn’t protest that he could manage on his own. That alone told his companions volumes about how he was feeling. Before the orderly could do more than pull the man’s weight against himself, the front doors opened again, admitting a breath of cool, night air and an elderly gentleman.

The sense of relief accompanying him pervaded the entire lobby, touching each member of the tense scene.

It’s him! Reid ‘heard’ Ana’s excited exclamation. It was followed by a deep, calm, almost humorous voice.

Quiet, children. Control yourselves, please.

Reid thought it was what the ocean would sound like, if it could give voice to its age, its depths, and all the life and mystery contained therein.

The old doctor walked to where his orderly was supporting Hotch, preparatory to lifting him onto the gurney. With gentle hands at each side of the new patient’s face, he raised the tired head and looked into the troubled eyes. Hotch gave a single sob and leaned toward the comforting presence.

“Shhhhh. Shhhhh.” The doctor held the agent’s gaze. “Get him off his feet.” Instantly, the orderly picked Hotch up, set him on the gurney and pressed his shoulders back, forcing him to lie still.

As soon as he was down, the old doctor laid a hand across Hotch’s forehead. The Unit Chief’s weary eyes widened…then closed. With a deep sigh, his sleep-deprived body relaxed. The doctor scanned his patient’s length and murmured soft words the others couldn’t quite hear. Lifting his hand from Hotch’s head, he nodded to the orderly. The gurney was wheeled away, removing its burden from view.

“You should have brought him sooner.” Although the words were now of the normal, audible variety, they still carried a quality of power.

Rossi took his customary role as spokesperson when it came to Hotch’s welfare. “How could we? We didn’t know what he needed until yesterday when he said he wanted to come back here.” Looking after the gurney, he spoke his chief worry. “And we still don’t know what’s wrong with him.”

The doctor stepped back, peering over the tops of his half-moon glasses, the better to survey this trio of travelers. After each had endured what felt like a thorough examination, albeit only a visual one, he shook his head, speaking more to himself than anyone else. “You are some of the most time-challenged people I’ve ever met. Maybe that’s why you’ve found each other. After all, like gravitates toward like.”

“Excuse me?” Rossi was too concerned about Hotch to have much patience with what sounded like some sort of metaphysical observation.

“Your timing’s all off.” The old doctor nodded at Reid. “That one is coming into his gifts late. And you…” he returned his regard to Rossi, “…you and that poor, troubled soul in there…” he tilted his head in the direction Hotch had been taken. “…you almost completely missed each other this time around, didn’t you?”

Devolution, a Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora