Chapter 29. Wonders and Spectacles

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Reid and Ana stared at the receptionist. Minds blank. Speechless, verbally as well as mentally.

The woman looked down at the paperwork she’d been shuffling, biting her bottom lip to keep from chuckling, or even smiling, at the young couple’s expense. She remembered her first introduction to the true nature of this hospital in the middle of nowhere. She’d been stunned, too. But then she’d been grateful, and intrigued, and, when the doctor had offered her a position and the option of becoming part of the place…honored.

The couple were clinging to each other, clearly in need of comfort, clearly in need of having solid footing restored. She took pity on them. And besides, she was a very polite, helpful telepath who knew how to dispense comfort. Otherwise, the doctor wouldn’t have recruited her.

Something drew you back here, didn’t it? She saw the man nod, still unable to overcome his mute shock. So tell me: did you hear the others, or did you see them? What sense is allowing you to detect them? She had a pretty good idea she already knew, based on the way he had been gazing about when they entered the lobby, but she wanted to get them to communicate. It would help relieve the paralysis of shock. The young man’s jaw had dropped, but now he managed to close his mouth and blink a few times before answering.

I…uh…I…saw things…Auras, I guess. So many. So many colors and…and so strong.

She let her smile come out of hiding. That’s a rare phenomenon, you know. Nowhere else in the world will you find so many of us in one place, at the same time. She ducked her head again. At least no place I know of. I don’t get visuals, but I imagine you must be seeing something like the northern lights of the psychic world. Pretty cool, huh?

Ana and Reid finally laughed at a plebian description of such an incredible reality.

Yeah. ‘Pretty cool.’


Hand in hand, Reid and Ana walked back toward the B&B.

Reid was so immersed in his own thoughts that he’d forgotten the reason they’d headed this way in the first place. At the last minute, as they were passing the rental car, Ana remembered to tell him to get his bag from the trunk. Mission accomplished, they continued down the street toward Millie’s. Both looked pensive. Neither communicated much. Mostly, they hugged the knowledge to themselves that, as ESP-ers, they weren’t as alone as they’d thought. Not by a long shot.

Reid had wanted to stay and question the receptionist in detail about the hospital and its origins. He’d wanted to look in on some of the patients responsible for the lambent light and color he was seeing as it wavered and flowed through and around the building. But the woman had been firm in turning him away. Questions would have to be saved for the doctor, and patients were not to be disturbed. In fact, any contact whatsoever would be at the doctor’s discretion.

So, shocked, but happy, Reid and Ana strolled back to their lodgings, letting this latest experience of discovery wash over them, musing about how misleading appearances could be. This isolated settlement with its small-town atmosphere, and its small-town citizenry was easily the most extraordinary place either of them had ever visited.

With that thought uppermost, they came in view of the B&B. And froze.

What the…?

Candles flickered in a corner of the front lawn; bright flames visible through the gaps between the slats of the white, picket fence. Odors of smoke, incense and aromatic oils wafted toward them. Over it all, the deep, rich, sonorous voice of Julio Ruiz chanted sing-song words in an unknown tongue.

Devolution, a Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now